i have no need for a protocol droid. what i really need is a droid that understands the binary language of moisture vaporators. do you speak bocce? all right shut up! i'll take this one. luke, take these two over to the garage, will you? i want you to have both of them cleaned up before dinner. you can waste time with your friends when your chores are done. now come on, get to it! yeah? hey, what're you trying to push on us? yeah? what about that blue one? we'll take that one. what makes you think that? that old man's just a crazy old wizard. tomorrow i want you to take that r2 unit into anchorhead and have its memory flushed. that'll be the end of it. it belongs to us now. he won't, i don't think he exists any more. he died about the same time as your father. i told you to forget it. your only concern is to prepare the new droids for tomorrow. in the morning i want them on the south ridge working out those condensers. you mean the next semester before harvest? harvest is when i need you the most. only one more season. this year we'll make enough on the harvest so i'll be able to hire some more hands. and then you can go to the academy next year. you must understand i need you here, luke. look, it's only one more season. i'll make it up to him next year. i promise. that's what i'm afraid of. luke, i'm shutting the power down for the night. luke? luke? luke? where could he be loafing now! have you seen luke this morning? uh? did he take those two new droids with him? well, he'd better have those units in the south range repaired be midday or there'll be hell to pay!