did you hear that? they've shut down the main reactor. we'll be destroyed for sure. this is madness! we're doomed! there'll be no escape for the princess this time. what's that? i should have known better than to trust the logic of a half-sized thermocapsulary dehousing assister. artoo! artoo-detoo, where are you? at last! where have you been? they're heading in this direction. what are we going to do? we'll be sent to the spice mine of kessel or smashed into who knows what! wait a minute, where are you going? hey, you're not permitted in there. it's restricted. you'll be deactivated for sure. don't call me a mindless philosopher, you overweight glob of grease! now come out before somebody sees you. secret mission? what plans? what are you talking about? i'm not getting in there! i'm going to regret this. that's funny, the damage doesn't look as bad from out here. are you sure this things safe? how did i get into this mess? i really don't know how. we seem to be made to suffer. it's our lot in life. i've got to rest before i fall apart. my joints are almost frozen. what a desolate place this is. where are you going? well, i'm not going that way. it's much too rocky. this way is much easier. what makes you think there are settlements over there? don't get technical with me. what mission? what are you talking about? i've had just about enough of you! go that way! you'll be malfunctioning within a day, you nearsighted scrap pile! and don't let me catch you following me begging for help, because you won't get it. no more adventures. i'm not going that way. that malfunctioning little twerp. this is all his fault! he tricked me into going this way, but he'll do no better. wait, what's that? a transport! i'm saved! over here! help! please, help! artoo-detoo! it's you! it's you! wake up! wake up! we're doomed. do you think they'll melt us down? don't shoot! don't shoot! will this never end? sir -- not in an environment such as this -- that's why i've also been programmed for over thirty secondary functions that. vaporators! sir -- my first job was programming binary load lifter. very similar to your vaporators. you could say. of course i can, sir. it's like a second language for me. i'm as fluent in bocce. shutting up, sir. excuse me, sir, but that r2 unit is in prime condition. a real bargain. uh, i'm quite sure you'll be very pleased with that one, sir. he really is in first-class condition. i've worked with him before. here he comes. now, don't you forget this! why i should stick my neck out for you is quite beyond my capacity! thank the maker! this oil bath is going to feel so good. i've got such a bad case of dust contamination, i can barely move! is there anything i might do to help? i don't think so, sir. i'm only a droid and not very knowledgeable about such things. not on this planet, anyways. as a matter of fact, i'm not even sure which planet i'm on. i see, sir. i see, sir luke. and i am see-threepio, human-cyborg relations, and this is my counterpart, artoo-detoo. with all we've been through, sometimes i'm amazed we're in as good condition as we are, what with the rebellion and all. that's how we came to be in your service, if you take my meaning, sir. several, i think. actually, there's not much to tell. i'm not much more than an interpreter, and not very good at telling stories. well, not at making them interesting, anyways. what is what?!? he asked you a question. what is that? oh, he says it's nothing, sir. merely a malfunction. old data. pay it no mind. i'm afraid i'm not quite sure, sir. i think she was a passenger on our last voyage. a person of some importance, sir -- i believe. our captain was attached to. behave yourself, artoo. you're going to get us in trouble. it's all right, you can trust him. he's our new master. he says he's the property of obi-wan kenobi, a resident of these parts. and it's a private message for him. quite frankly, sir i don't know what he's talking about. our last master was captain antilles, but with what we've been through, this little r2 unit has become a bit eccentric. i beg your pardon, sir, but do you know what he's talking about? he says the restraining bolt has short circuited his recording system. he suggests that if you remove the bolt, he might be able to play back the entire recording. what message? the one you're carrying inside your rusty innards! i'm sorry, sir, but he appears to have picked up a slight flutter. just you reconsider playing that message for him. no, i don't think he likes you at all. no, i don't like you either. it wasn't my fault, sir. please don't deactivate me. i told him not to go, but he's faulty, malfunctioning; kept babbling on about his mission. that r2 unit has always been a problem. these astro-droids are getting quite out of hand. even i can't understand their logic at times. pardon me, sir, but couldn't we go after him? oh, he excels at that, sir. sir, would it help if you told him it was my fault. deactivate! well, on the other hand if you hadn't removed his restraining bolt. master luke here is your rightful owner. we'll have no more of this obi-wan kenobi jibberish. and don't talk to me about your mission, either. you're fortunate he doesn't blast you into a million pieces right here. if you don't mind my saying so, sir, i think you should deactivate the little fugitive until you've gotten him back to your workshop. oh my. sir, he says there are several creatures approaching from the southeast. where am i? i must have taken a bad step. i don't think i can make it. you go on, master luke. there's no sense in you risking yourself on my account. i'm done for. sir, if you'll not be needing me, i'll close down for awhile. i can't abide these jawas. disgusting creatures. come along, artoo. i heartily agree with you sir. i don't like the look of this. lock the door, artoo. i would much rather have gone with master luke than stay here with you. i don't know what all the trouble is about, but i'm sure it must be your fault. you watch your language! hello, sir. oh, my. i'd forgotten how much i hate space travel. now be careful, artoo. he made a fair move. screaming about it won't help you. but sir, nobody worries about upsetting a droid. i see your point, sir. i suggest a new strategy, artoo. let the wookiee win. we found the computer outlet, sir. he says he's found the main computer to power the tractor beam that's holding the ship here. he'll try to make the precise location appear on the monitor. the tractor beam is coupled to the main reactor in seven locations. a power loss at one of the terminals will allow the ship to leave. i'm afraid i'm not quite sure, sir. he says "i found her", and keeps repeating, "she's here." princess leia. level five. detention block a a-twenty- three. i'm afraid she's scheduled to be terminated. master luke, sir! pardon me for asking. but, ah. what should artoo and i do if we're discovered here? that isn't very reassuring. yes sir? i said, all systems have been alerted to your presence, sir. the main entrance seems to be the only way in or out; all other information on your level is restricted. oh, no! they're madmen! they're heading for the prison level. if you hurry, you might catch them. come on! oh! all this excitement has overrun the circuits of my counterpart here. if you don't mind, i'd like to take him down to maintenance. they aren't here! something must have happened to them. see if they've been captured. hurry! thank goodness, they haven't found them! where could they be? use the comlink? oh, my! i forgot i turned it off! are you there, sir? we've had some problems. no. shut them all down! hurry! listen to them! they're dying, artoo! curse my metal body! i wasn't fast enough. it's all my fault! my poor master! for the moment. uh, we're in the main hangar across from the ship. where could they be? come on, artoo, we're going! oooh! help! i think i'm melting! this is all your fault. hang on tight,artoo, you've got to come back. you wouldn't want my life to get boring, would you? hang on, artoo! oh, my! artoo! can you hear me? say something! you can repair him, can't you? you must repair him! sir, if any of my circuits or gears will help, i'll gladly donate them.