hi, jar jar. so have you. grown more beautiful, i mean. and much shorter. for a senator, i mean. we will find out who is trying to kill you padm, i promise you. i meant in the interest of protecting her, master, of course. why? why else do you think we were assigned to her, if not to find the killer? protection is a job for local security. not jedi. it's overkill, master. investigation is implied in our mandate. she didn't even recognise me, jar jar. i thought about her every day since we parted. and she's forgotten me completely. yes, my master. quiet as a tomb. i don't like just waiting here for something to happen to her. she covered that camera. i don't think she liked me watching her. she programmed artoo to warn us if there's an intruder. i know, but we also want to catch this assassin. don't we, master? it was her idea. no harm will come to her. i can sense everything going on in that room. trust me. and yours are? i don't sleep well, anymore. i don't know why i keep dreaming about her now. i haven't seen her since i was little. i'd rather dream of padm. just being around her again is. intoxicating. she's not like the others in the senate, master. not another lecture, master. not on the economics of politics. it's too early in the morning. and besides, you're generalising. the chancellor doesn't appear to be corrupt. i think he is a good man. my instincts are very positive about. stay here! that was wacky! i almost lost you in the traffic. oh, you know, master, i couldn't find a speeder i really liked, with an open cockpit. and with the right speed capabilities. and then you know i had to get a really gonzo color. i thought i already did. sorry, i forgot you don't like flying, master. master, you know i've been flying since before i could walk. i'm very good at this. sorry, master. don't worry, this guy's gonna kill himself any minute now! right - this isn't working. clear that! clear the flag! we're losing power! hurry! so sorry, master. sorry, master! that was crazy!!! ahh, damn. no, we can make it. but it worked. we made it. i think we're still alive. i could have made it. no we didnt. this is a shortcut. i think. master, if we keep this chase going, that creeps gonna end up deep fried. personally, id very much like to find out who in the hell he is and who hes working for. im deeply sorry, master. excuse me for a moment. she went into that club, master. sorry, master. yes, master. i know, master. i've heard this lesson before. i try, master. don't say that master. you're the closest thing i have to a father. i love you. i don't want to cause you pain. i will. i'll do better, i promise. i think he's a she. where are you going, master? easy. official business. go back to your drinks. tell us! who hired you? tell us. tell us now! don't worry. now that the council has ordered an investigation, it won't take master obi-wan long to find that bounty hunter. sometimes we have to let go of our pride and do what is requested of us. sorry, m'lady. i was only trying to. please don't call me that. annie. it's anakin. when you say annie it's like i'm still a little boy. and i'm not. master obi-wan manages not to see it. don't get me wrong. obi-wan is a great mentor. as wise as master yoda and as powerful as master windu. i am truly thankful to be his apprentice. only. although i'm a padawan learner, in some ways. a lot of ways. i'm ahead of him. i'm ready for the trials. i know i am! he knows it too. he believes i'm too unpredictable. other jedi my age have gone through the trials and made it. i know i started my training late. but he won't let me move on. it's worse. he's overly critical. he never listens! he just doesn't understand! it's not fair! i'm not whining! i'm not. i know. i am grown up. you said it yourself. why not? ahh. so, you have jedi powers too? sorry, m'lady. yes, master. time to go. may the force be with you, master. i'm kinda scared too. this is my first assignment on my own. no, no, mom, no. what? thank you. i look forward to seeing naboo again. i've thought about it every day since i left. it's by far the most beautiful place i've ever seen. i think time has given me much more mature feelings to enhance my perception. or be with the people i love. attachment is forbidden. possession is forbidden. compassion, which i would define as unconditional love, is central to a jedi's life, so you might say we're encouraged to love. you haven't changed a bit. you're exactly the way i remember you in my dreams. i doubt if naboo has changed much either. i can't wait to breathe the sweet breeze that comes off the rolling hills. whenever i try to visualise the force, those hills are what i see. i love naboo. yes. i left tatooine so long ago, my memory of her is fading. i don't want to lose it. recently i've been seeing her in my dreams. vivid dreams. scary dreams. i worry about her. if i grew up here, i don't think i'd ever leave. no, really. when i started my training, i was very homesick and very lonely. this city and my mom were the only pleasant things i had to think about. the problem was, the more i thought about my mom, the worse i felt. but i would feel better if i thought about the palace - the way it shimmers in the sunlight - the way the air always smells of flowers. well, tell me, did you dream of power and politics when you were a little girl? the people you served thought you did a good job. i heard they tried to amend the constitution so you could stay in office. i agree! i think the republic needs you. i'm glad you chose to serve. i feel things are going to happen in our generation that will change the galaxy in profound ways. the jedi have not been allowed to investigate. it would be to be too dangerous for the economy, we were told. hey, hold on a minute! excuse me?! i am in charge of security here, m'lady. sorry, m'lady. no, but i. hello. a little. yes. i'm afraid she is. padme tells me you teach at the university? there have been two attempts on her life. chances are there'll be more. my master is tracking down the assassins. i'm sure he'll find out who they are. this situation, won't last long. i don't either. i just want to get there before dark. you still live at home. i never had a real home. home was always where my mom was. is this you? i do too. i guess it comes from growing up on a desert planet. i dont like sand. its coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere. not like here. here everythings soft. and smooth. everything here is magical. sometimes, when you believe something to be real, it becomes real. real enough, anyway. i think it's true. i'm sorry. when i'm around you, my mind is no longer my own. the view. what? i'm not really supposed to do that. for fun, i mean. if master obi-wan were here, he'd be very grumpy. may i tell you something? then how can i tell you? it doesn't work around you. my mind is always a muddle. i can only think of you. from the moment i met you, all those years ago, a day hasn't gone by when i haven't thought of you. and now that i'm close to you again, i'm in agony. the closer i get to you, the worse it gets. the thought of not being with you mskes my stomach turn over - my mouth goes dry. i feel dizzy. i can't breathe. i'm haunted by the kiss you should never have given me. my heart is beating, hoping that kiss will not become a scar. you are in my very soul, tormenting me. what can i do? i will do anything you ask. if you are suffering as much as i am, tell me. anything's possible. padme, please listen. then you do feel something! there's an extraordinary connection between us. you can't deny that. i was destined to be a jedi. i don't think i could be anything else. but you are asking me to be rational. that is something i know i cannot do. i wish i could wish my feelings away. but i can't. it wouldn't have to be that way. we could keep it a secret. no, you're right. it would destroy us. sure you do. you just don't want to tell me. they only work on the weak-minded. you are anything but weak-minded. all right, i get the picture. whatever happened to him? maybe he was the smart one. i like two or three, but i'm not really sure about one of them. i don't think the system works. we need a system where the politicians sit down and discuss the problems, agree what's in the best interests of all the people, and then do it. then they should be made to. i don't know. someone. of course not me. someone wise. well, if it works. on no, i'd be much too frightened to tease a senator. you're always so serious. always carrying the weight of the universe on your shoulders. no. no. no. mom!. don't, no, don't! don't go. your presence is soothing. jedi don't have nightmares. i saw my mother. i saw her as clearly as i see you now. she's suffering, padme. she is in pain. they're killing her! i know i'm disobeying my mandate to protect you, senator. i know i will be punished and possibly thrown out of the jedi order, but i must go. i have to help her! i'm sorry, padme. i don't have a choice. what about master obi-wan? wait, please. excuse me, watto. i said excuse me. let me help you with that. i'm looking for shmi skywalker. my mother. sold her. do you know where they are? i'd like to know. threepio? i've come to see my mother. i'm anakin skywalker. i'm here looking for my mother. is my mother here? to find my mother. i can feel her pain, and i will find her. i know she's alive. you are going to have to stay here. these are good people, padme. you'll be safe. i trust you'll watch over her, owen. i won't be long. mom. mom. mom. im here, mom. youre safe. hang on. im going to get you out of here. just stay with me, mom. im going to make you well again. everythings going to be fine. i'm going after him! yeah, you're right, you're right. understood, master. if he's still alive. he's like my father, but you heard master windu. he gave me strict orders to stay here. hey, where are you going? no! you're not! i'm not letting you go out there. it's too dangerous. it's my job to protect you. i said it's too dangerous. you're not going, and that's final! don't be afraid. what are you talking about? you love me?! i thought we decided not to fall in love. that we would be forced to live a lie. that it would destroy our lives. i have no desire to be cured of this love either. long or short, i vow to spend the rest of my life with you. i retransmitted it as you requested, master. then we decided to come and rescue you. i have a bad feeling about this. what about padme? you okay? jump!!! it's dooku, go after him! padme!!! put the ship down! down! no we're not!! land this ship! i don't care!. go back. i'm taking him now! you'll pay for all the jedi you've killed today, dooku. i'm a slow learner. don't bet on it!