senator amidala, i've heard so much about you. i'm delighted to meet you at last. we have a great deal to discuss, senator. i hope you can keep your young jedi under control. patiece, viceroy. she will die. maybe this is the way it's supposed to end. master windu, how pleasant of you to join us. you're just in time for the moment of truth. i would think these two new boys of yours could use a little more training. brave, but stupid, my old jedi friend. you're impossibly outnumbered. it wasn't the geonosians i was thinking about. how well do you think one jedi will hold up against a thousand battle droids? master windu! you have fought gallantly. worthy of recognition in the history archives of the jedi order. now it is finished. surrender - and your lives will be spared. then, i'm sorry, old friend. you will have to be destroyed. that won't be necessary, captain. stand down. and leave them to me. kenobi, isn't it? as you can see, my jedi powers are far beyond yours. now, back down. ah, but if i must. i have spent the last ten years learning to use the power of the dark side. it gives me infinitely greater power. grand master kenobi, you disappoint me. yoda holds you in such high esteem. surely you can do better? no, i'm surprised. has jedi swordsmanship degenerated so quickly, or are you trying to make fun of me? which is it? come, come, master kenobi. put me out of my misery. that's brave of you, boy - but foolish. i would have thought you'd have learnt your lesson. you have unusual powers, young padawan. but not enought to save you this time. master yoda. at last we shall know who is the most powerful. not yet. the force is with us, my master. i bring you good news, my lord. the war has begun.