obi! obi! obi! mesa sooo smilen to see'en yousa. wahoooooo! oops! wheresa mesa manners? excuse me, master obi-wan. i completely forgot myself for a moment there. i have had to learn diplodiaclect. speak it like a native now. don't really see the point, actually, but members of the senate seem to prefer it. and this, i take it, is your apprentice. nooooooooo! annie? noooooooo! little bitty annie? nooooooo! yousa so biggen! yiyiyiyyi! annie!! mesa no believen. annie! annie! yiyiyiyiyiyiiii! lookie. lookie. oops!. oh, dear, i'm afraid i've forgotten myself again. mesa busten wit happiness seein yousa again, annie. deesa bad times, bombad times. shesa happy. happier den mesa see-en her in longo time. yousa betchen mesa bottums. oh, pardone-ay, senator. i mean, i am honoured to accept this heavy burden. i take on this responsibility with deep humility tinged with an overwhelming pride. it is not every day that i am called upon to. of course, m'lady. supreme chancellor. my august colleagues, i would be proud to propose the motion in question. this is a grave situation, and i'm sure senator amidala, and the queen of naboo would agree. senators, dellow felagates. in response to the direct threat to the republic from the confederacy of independent systems, i propose that the senate gives immediate emergency powers to the supreme chancellor. who can deny these are exceptional times? exceptional times demand exceptional measures! exceptional measures demand exceptional men! that is the sentiment every one of us agrees with! and when the shadow of war has dispersed and the bright day of liberty has dawned once again, the power we now give to the supreme chancellor will be gladly, and swiftly returned. out ancient liberties will be restored to us, burnished even more brightly than before!