please. i trust you are going to enjoy your stay. we are most happy you have arrived at the best part of the season. and now to business. you will be delighted to hear we are on schedule. two hundred thousand units are ready, with another million well on the way. please tell your master sido-dyas that we have every confidence his order will be met on time and in full. he is well, i hope? jedi master sifo-dyas. he's still a leading member of the jedi council, is he not? you must be anxious to inspect the units for yourself. magnificent, aren't they? we modified their genetic structure to make them less independent than the original host. as a result they are totally obedient, taking any order without question. a bounty hunter called jango fett. we felt a jedi would be the perfect choice, but sido-dyas hand- picked jango fett himself. oh, we keep him here. after a few hundred thousand clones, the genetic pattern starts to fade, so we take a fresh supply. he lives here, but he's free to come and go as he pleases. apart from his pay, which is considerable, fett demanded only one thing - an unaltered clone for himself. curious isn't it? pure genetic replication. no tampering with the structure to make it more docile. and no growth acceleration. oh yes, it's essential. otherwise, a mature clone would take a lifetime to grow. now, we can do it in half the time. those items you saw on the parade ground were started ten years ago, when sido-dyas first placed the order, and they're already mature. about five years ago. they're immensely superior to droids, capable of independent thought and action. i'd hoped you would be pleased. himself? of course not. this army is for the republic? we are also very much agasint this count dooku and his seccessionist movement. we are proud to be of help to the republic. tell your council the first battalions are ready. and remind them that if they need more troops, we will need time to grow them.