if they do break away - but if they do, you must realise there aren't enough jedi to protect the republic. we are keepers of the peace, not soldiers. what do you sense, master? our intelligence points to disgruntled spice miners, on the moons of naboo. you know, m'lady, count dooku was once a jedi. he wouldn't assassinate anyone, it is not in his character. that's possible. he has just returned from a border dispute on ansion. i will have obi-wan report to you immediately, m'lady. why couldn't we see this attack on the senator? the propecy is coming true, the dark side is growing. it's been ten years, and the sith still have no shown themselves. do you think they are behind this? do you think obi-wan's apprentice will be able to bring balance to the force? be wary, this disturbance in the force is growing stronger. there's something else? why? probing the dark side is a dangerous process. he could be in seclusion for days. may the force be with you. no. whoever placed that order was not a jedi, i can assure you. our missing apprentice. they are playing their hand at last. be careful, obi-wan. this investigation is becoming less than routine. do you need help? we must stop them soon before they're fully ready. patience. we should wait for obi- wan to report back. we don't know that count dooku has made a treaty with the corporate alliance, it's speculation. we will deal with count dooku. the most important thing for you, anakin, is to stay where you are. protect the senator at all costs. that is your priority. the longer we wait, the stronger dooku's armies become. we cannot wait for the senate to make up its mind about granting the chancellor emergency powers, in order to be able to use that clone army. we have the authority to go now. we must go now. sorry to disappoint you, dooku. this party's over. i don't think so. one jedi has to be worth a hundred geonosians. don't worry! it's being - taken care of! we will not be hostages for you to barter with dooku. where is your apprentice?