it's good to see you, too, jar jar. it's a great pleasure to see you again, m'lady. i'm sure the jedi council have their reasons. our presence will be invisible, m'lady. we're here to protect you senator, not to start an investigation. we are not going to exceed our mandate, my young padawan learner. we are not going through this exercise again, anakin. you will pay attention to my lead. what??!! we will do as the council has instructed, and you will learn your place, young one. anakin, you're focusing on the negative again. be mindful of your thoughts. she was glad to see us. now lets check the security here. captain typho has more than enough men downstairs. no assassin will try that way. any activity up here? what's going on? what is she thinking? it's not an intruder i'm worried about. there are many other ways to kill a senator. you're using her as bait?? it's too risky. and your senses aren't that attuned, young apprentice. possibly. you look tired. because of your mother? dreams pass in time. mind your thoughts, anakin, they betray you. you've made a commitment to the jedi order. a commitment not easily broken. and don't forget she's a politician. they're not to be trusted. it's been my experience that senators are only focused on pleasing those who fund their campaigns. and they are more than willing to forget the niceties of democracy to get those funds. palpatine's a politician, i've observed that he is very clever at following the passions and prejudices of the senators. i sense it, too. i have a bad feeling about this. what took you so long? if you'd spend as much time working on your saber skills as you do on your wit, young padawan, you would rival master yoda as a swordsman. only in your mind, my very young apprentice. careful!! hey, easy!! i don't mind flying. but what you're doing is suicide! just slow down! wait! don't go in there! you know i don't like it when you do that! what are you doing? he's gonna blast me! that was too close! what?? whooooaaa! don't do that! i don't like it when you do that! it's dangerous near those power couplings! slow down! don't go through there! yiiii, what are you doing? oh, that was good. stop!! i'm crazy. i'm crazy. i'm crazy. it didn't work. we've stalled! and you almost got us killed! it was stupid! but you didn't!!! and now we've lost him. where are you going?! he went down there, the other way. what do you mean, you think? what kind of shortcut?! he went completely the other way! youve lost him! oh, so thats why were going in the wrong direction. well, you lost him. anakin! patience. here. next time try not to lose it. a jedi's saber is his most precious possession. he must keep it with him at all times. this weapon is your life! but, you haven't learned anything, anakin. why do i think you are going to be the death of me?! then why don't you listen to me?! do you see him him? then be extra careful. check it out. to get a drink. you don't want to sell me death- sticks. you want to go home and rethink your life. do you know who it was you were trying to kill? who hired you? this wound's going to need treatment. toxic dart. anakin, you stay put on naboo. do not attract any attention. do absolutely nothing without checking in with me or the council. i will get to the bottom of this plot quickly, m'lady. you'll be back here in no time. may the force be with you. i hope he doesn't try anything foolish. it's a toxic dart. i need to know where it came from and who made it. excuse me? could you try again please? thanks for your assistance! you may not be able to figure this out, but i think i know someone who might. i'm looking for dexter. he's not in trouble. it's personal. hey, dex. thank you. hey, dex. you can tell me what this is. do you know where it came from? kamino kyberdart. i wonder why it didn't show up in any analysis archive. well, dex, if droids could think, we wouldn't be here, would we? kamino. doesn't sound familiar. is it part of the republic? cloners? are they friendly? on what, dex? yes. yes, i did. i never understood why he quit. only twenty jedi have ever left the order. what happened? really? interesting. i'm still not sure i understand. yes, i'm trying to find a planet system called kamino. it doesn't seem to show upon any of the archive charts. according to my information, it should be in this quadrant somewhere. just south of the rishi maze. all three actually. absolutely. wouldn't that be on record? that's impossible. perhaps the archives are incomplete. i am sorry to disturb you, master. im looking for a planet described to me by an old friend. i trust him. but the system doesnt show up on the archive maps. this is where it ought to be. but it isnt. gravity is pulling all the stars in this area inward to this spot. there should be a star here. but there isnt. but master yoda who could have erased information from the archives? thats impossible, isnt it? i am concerned for my padawan. he is not ready to be on his own. but he still has much to learn. and his abilities have made him. well. arrogant. i realise now what you and master yoda knew from the beginning. the boy was too old to start the training and. master, he should not have been given this assignment. i'm afraid anakin won't be able to protect the senator. he has a. an emotional connection with her. it's been there since he was boy. now he's confused. distracted. has master yoda gained any insight into whether or not this war will come about? i'm expected? obi-wan kenobi. you make me feel most welcome. that is. good news. i'm sorry master - ? oh, yes. sido-dyas. that's why i'm here. where is this bounty hunter now? unaltered? i would like to meet this jango fett. you mentioned growth acceleration. and these? very impressive. tell me, prime minister, when my master sido-dyas first contacted you, did he say the order was for. himself. or? the repubic? arfour, arfour. arfour, relay this, "scramble code five," to courscant: care of "the old folks home." i've never heard of a jedi called sido-dyas, have you, master? i have a strong feeling that this bounty hunter is the assassin we're looking for. i will, master, and i will also find out more about this clone army. may the force. your clones are very impressive. you must be very proud. aren't we all? ever made your way as far into the interior as coruscant? recently? then you must know master sido- dyas? sido-dyas. isnt he the jedi who hired you for this job? no? i thought. curious. it seems to me it's your army - being that they are all clones of you. i look forward to seeing them in action. thank you for your time, jango. i won't forget. "guiding light" to "old folks home." starships from the trade federation and the commerce guilds are taking deliveries of battle droids from the foundries on geonosis. the droid foundry seems to be working at full capacity. i am going to go down and investigate. i will bring jango fett back home for interrogation. one more thing. jango mentioned he was recruited by someone named darth tyranus. any idea who that might be? do you believe he could be the mysterious sido-dyas, who made the deal for the clone army? let me see if i can figure out what's going on first. alliance have pledged their armies to count dooku and are forming an. wait!. ah. attack. i don't. make it. aaaggghhh! i was beginning to wonder if you had gotten my message. it looks like you're going a good job so far. take the one the left. i'll take the one on the right. it looks like she's already on top of things. someone's got to - shut down - these droids. hold on! look over there. no! forget her. we have to go after dooku. don't let your personal feelings get in the way. we've got a job to do. anakin! she's all right! look. follow that speeder! we move in together - you slowly on the. anakin, no! i don't think so. you will have to prove it. anakin! on his way back to naboo. he is escorting senator amidala home. i must admit without the clones, it would not have been a victory.