anakin. there's my house! what? don't say you're shy! ryoo!! pooja!! i'm so happy to see you! this is anakin. anakin, this is ryoo, and this is pooja. anakin, this is my sister, sola. he's being polite, mom. we're starving. sola!! he isn't my boyfriend! he's a jedi assigned by the senate to protect me. it's not, mom, i promise. anyway, anakin's a friend. i've known him for years. remember that little boy who was with the jedi during the blockade crisis? he grew up. mom, i'm not in any danger. but not much. don't worry, this won't take long. i move around so much, i've never had a place of my own. official residences have no warmth. i feel good here. i feel at home. that was when i went with the relief group to shadda-bi-boran. their sun was imploding, and the planet was dying. i was helping to relocate the children. see that little one i'm holding? his name was n'a-kee-tula, which means sweethear. he was so full of life,. all those kids were. i did everything i could to save him, but he died. they all did. they were never able to adapt. to live off their native planet. my first day as an apprentice legislator. notice the difference? you did that? that! now stop it! anakin!! i don't know. maybe you should use your jedi intuition. anakin, don't. i can't. we can't. it's just not possible. you listen. we live in a real world. come back to it. you're studying to become a jedi knight. i'm a senator. if you follow your thoughts through to conclusion, they will take us to a place we cannot go. regardless of the way we feel about each other. annie, it doesn't make any difference. jedi aren't allowed to marry. you swore an oath, remember? you'd be expelled from the order. i will not let you give up your responsibilities. your future, for me. i am not going to give into this. i'm not going to throw my life away. i have more important things to do than fall in love. then we'd be living a lie - one we couldn't keep even if we wanted to. mt sister saw it. so did my mother. i couldn't do that. could you, anakin? could you live like that? you really don't like politicians, do you? how would you have it work? that is exactly what we do. the trouble is that people don't wlways agree. in fact, they hardly ever do. by whom? who's going to make them? you? but someone. that sounds an awful lot like a dictatorship to me. you had a nightmare again last night. i heard you. annie, i told you i wouldn't let you give up your future for me. i'll go with you. that way you can continue to protect me, and you won't be disobeying your mandate. i guess we won't tell him, will we? stay with the ship, artoo. hello, threepio. threepio, what's happened? i'm padme. no, annie! anakin. i'm not leaving, threepio. i just can't sleep. i guess you're lucky. you're not happy here? being like what? i guess i wouldn't like it at all. maybe we can do something about it. why not? they seem to have a box of old coverings here. let's see, if we put this. here. you'll have to be quiet, threepio. hold still, please. there! i thought the first thing he said was to retransmit his message to coruscant. they'll never get there in time to save him. they have to come half way across the galaxy. look, geonosis is less than a parsec away. annie, are you just going to sit here and let him die?? he's your friend. your mentor. he gave you strict orders to protect me. and i'm going to save obi-wan. so if you plan to protect me, you will have to come along. to find obi-wan. let go of me! it's empty! wait! sure! well, sort of. look!