my esteemed colleagues, excuse me. i have just received some tragic and disturbing news. senator amidala of the naboo system. has been assassinated! this grievous blow is especially personal to me. before i became chancellor, i served amidala when she was queen. she was a great leader who fought for justice, not only in this honourable assembly, but also on her home planet. she was so loved she could have been elected queen for life. she believed in public service, and she fervently believed in democracy. her death is a great loss to us all. we will all mourn her as a relentless champion of freedom. and as a dear friend. must i remind the senator from malastare that negotiations are continuing with the separatists. peace is our objective here. not war. it is with great surprise and joy the chair recognises the senator from naboo, padm amidala. due to the lateness of the hour and the seriousness of this motion, we will take up these matters tomorrow. until then, the senate stands adjourned. i don't know how much longer i can hold off the vote, my friends. more and more star systems are joining the separatists. no! i will not let that happen! master yoda, do you think it will really come to war? what? send them in. count dooku has always avoided any kind of conflict. it appears he has no desire to start a war. why would he kill you? to what end? master jedi, may i suggest that the senator be placed under the protection of your graces. "situation is that serious." no, but i do, senator. i realise all too well that additional security might be disruptive for you, but perhaps someone you are familiar with. an old friend like. master kenobi. you must remember him, m'lady. he watched over you during the blockade conflict. do it for me, m'lady, please. i will rest easier. we had a big scare today. the thought of losing you is unbearable. i will not like this republiv, that has stood for over a thousand years, be split in two those geonosian foundries are part of the techno union. we will call in their representatives and ask them a few very pointed questions. count dooku must have made a treaty with them. please, please, i don't wish to have emergency powers. that's too extreme a solution. it's akin to a dictatorship. we must rely on the jedi. master yoda, how many are available to go to geonosis? out of the question, senator! you and i are too closely aligned. the issue will become partisan and debates will begin. the proposal must come from a neutral source. if called upon, i will serve. but it will be the saddest day of my life. in the regrettable absence of senator amidala, the chair recognises senior representative of naboo, jar jar binks. it is with great reluctance that i have agreed to this calling. i love democracy. i love the republic. the fact that this crisis is demanding i be given absolute power to tule over you is evident. but i am mild by nature and have no desire to destroy the democratic process. the power you give me i will lay down when this crisis has abated, i promise you. and all i ask in return is when my current term of office is over, you allow me to reture and live out my life in peace.