worse than war, i fear. much worse. impossible to see . the dark side clouds everything. but this i am sure of - do their duty the jedi will. with you the force is strong. young senator. to see you alive brings warm feeling to my heart. in dark times nothing is what it appears to be, but the fact remains senator, in grave danger you are. too little about yourself you worry, senator, and too much about politics. be mindful of your danger, padm. accept our help. masking the future, is this disturbance in the force. and only those who have turned to the dark side can sense the possibilities of the future. only going through the dark side can we see. out there, they are. a certainty that is. only if he chooses to follow his destiny. don't think. feel. be as one with the force. help you, it will. younglings - enough! a visitor we have. welcome him. master obi-wan kenobi, meet the mighty bear clan. what help to you, can i be? an interesting puzzle. gather round the map reader, younglings. master obi-wan has lost a planet. find it, we will try. most interesting. gravitys silhouette remains, but the star and all its planets have disappeared. how can this be? truly wonderful, the mind of a child is. uncluttered. to the centre of the pull of gravity go, and find your planet you will. much harder to answer, that question is. the council is confident in this decision, obi-wan. who he is working for. discover that, you must. inform the chancellor of this, we must. with the forename darth, a sith he must be. perhaps too many pieces are missing from this puzzle, there are. two hundred,. less or more. agreed, master windu. two hundred jedi send. enough, let's hope they are. come on - hurry! hurry! more battalions to the left. encircle them we must, then divide. count dooku. no interest in contests, do i have. the end for you, count, this is. victory? victory, you say? not victory, a defeat, it was. master obi-wan. begun, the clone war has!