away with your weapon! i mean you no harm. i am wondering, why are you here? looking? found someone, you have, i would say, hmmm? help you i can. yes, mmmm. ahhh! a great warrior. wars not make one great. how you get so big, eating food of this kind? aww, cannot get your ship out? mine! or i will help you not. mudhole? slimy? my home this is. ah, ah, ah! mine! mine! mine! mine! no! no, no! stay and help you, i will. find your friend, hmm? oohhh. jedi master. yoda. you seek yoda. mmm. take you to him, i will. yes, yes. but now, we must eat. come. good food. come. come, come. patience! for the jedi it is time to eat as well. eat, eat. hot. good food, hm? good, hmm? not far. yoda not far. patience. soon you will be with him. rootleaf, i cook. why wish you become jedi? hm? ah, your father. powerful jedi was he, powerful jedi, mmm. i cannot teach him. the boy has no patience.