wedge's speeder races through the legs of one of the monstrous walkers. the harpoon hurtles toward the walker, in an instant it is embedded in one of the walker's legs. the speeder rogue three races around one of the giant walker's feet, trailing the cable behind it. continuing around the back foot, rogue three then circles the walker around the tail end. the speeder sweeps left to right in front of the giant legs, towing the cable behind it. the speeder zooms away into the distance. the tangled legs of the enormous war machine attempt a step, but as they do the giant imperial walker begins to topple. it teeters for a moment, and then crashes onto the icy ground, sending snow and metal pieces flying. the fierce battle on the vast snow plains of hoth rages on. the imperial walkers continue their slow, steady assault on the rebel base, firing lasers as they lumber ever onward. in the snow trench, rebel troops fire large bazookalike guns and dishlike ray guns as explosions erupt around them. a gun tower is hit by a laser bolt and instantly explodes. another blast destroys a ray gun. luke's speeder and rogue two fly in formation, banking from right to left and flying above the erupting battlefield. flak bursts all around them. the two speeders race across the horizon toward the giant walkers. three of the giant walkers, firing lasers, advance toward the rebel headquarters. veers's walker continues to advance toward the rebel base. the smoldering walker that luke exploded stands smoking just to the right of veers's path. the rebel troops continue their desperate retreat, pushed back by the relentless imperial assault.