the group has crossed the narrow bridge and entered the city. they walk down the lovely art deco passageway, rounding several corners and passing many small plazas as they go. threepio lags a bit behind. lando, han, and leia continue down the corridor unaware of threepio's dreadful accident. chewbacca glances around, sniffs the air, but shrugs his shoulders and follows the group. leia, lando, and chewie, with threepio on his back, march along, guarded by six stormtroopers. the group reaches an intersection where lobot and a dozen of lando's guards stand at attention. lando, leia, and chewie run down a cloud city corridor when suddenly they spot artoo who rushes toward them, beeping wildly. in a panic, cloud city residents are trying to get out of the city. some carry boxes, others packages. they run, then change direction. some are shooting at stormtroopers, others simply try to hide.