why, you slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler! you've got a lot of guts coming here, after what you pulled. how you doing, you old pirate? so good to see you! i never thought i'd catch up with you again. where you been? what are you doing here? what have you done to my ship? hello. what have we here? welcome. i'm lando calrissian. i'm the administrator of this facility. and who might you be? welcome, leia. what's wrong with the falcon? i'll get my people to work on it. you know, that ship saved my life quite a few times. she's the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. oh, not as well as i'd like. we're a small outpost and not very self-sufficient. and i've had supply problems of every kind. i've had labor difficulties. what's so funny? you know, seeing you sure brings back a few things. yeah. i'm responsible these days. it's the price you pay for being successful. i'm sorry. am i interrupting anything? you look absolutely beautiful. you truly belong here with us among the clouds. will you join me for a little refreshment? everyone's invited, of course. having trouble with you droid? so you see, since we're a small operation, we don't fall into the. uh. jurisdiction of the empire. no, not actually. our operation is small enough not to be noticed. which is advantageous for everybody since our customers are anxious to avoid attracting attention to themselves. that's always been a danger looming like a shadow over everything we've built here. but things have developed that will insure security. i've just made a deal that will keep the empire out of here forever. i had no choice. they arrived right before you did. i'm sorry. lord vader. lord vader, what about leia and the wookiee? that was never a condition of our agreement, nor was giving han to this bounty hunter! no. this deal's getting worse all the time. shut up and listen! vader has agreed to turn leia and chewie over to me. they'll have to stay here, but at least they'll be safe. vader's giving him to the bounty hunter. he doesn't want you at all. he's after somebody called skywalker. lord vader has set a trap for him. well, he's on his way. stop! i've done all i can. i'm sorry i couldn't do better, but i have my own problems. lord vader, we only use this facility for carbon freezing. if you put him in there, it might kill him. you're being put into carbon freeze. yes, he's alive. and in perfect hibernation. you said they'd be left in the city under my supervision. well done. hold them in the security tower - and keep it quiet. move. we're getting out of here. i had no choice. i'm just trying to help. h-a-a-a. there's still a chance to save han. i mean, at the east platform. the security codes has been changed! attention! this is lando calrissian. the empire has takes control of the city. i advise everyone to leave before more imperial troops arrive. this way. leia! go! what? but what about those fighter? but what about vader? all right, all right, all right. look, someone's up there. okay, let's go. all right, chewie. let's go. all right, chewie. ready for light-speed. punch it! they told me they fixed it. i trusted them to fix it. it's not my fault! chewie! luke, we're ready for takeoff. when we find jabba the hut and that bounty hunter, we'll contact you. princess, we'll find han. i promise.