echo three to echo seven. han, old buddy, do you read me? well, i finished my circle. i don't pick up any life readings. right. i'll see you shortly. there's a meteorite that hit the ground near here. i want to check it out. it won't take long. hey, steady girl. what's the matter? you smell something? aaargh! ben? dagobah system? ben. ben. ben. ben. dagobah system. dagobah. yoda. thanks to you. well, forget the heavy equipment. there's plenty of time to get the smaller modules on the transports. thanks. chewie, take care of yourself, okay? yeah. you, too. just like new, dack. how about you? i know what you mean. echo station five-seven. we're on our way. all right, boys, keep tight now. steady, dack. attack pattern delta. go now! all right, i'm coming in. hobbie, you still with me? that armor's too strong for blasters. rogue group, use your harpoons and tow cables. go for the legs. it might be our only chance of stopping them. all right, stand by, dack. just hang on. hang on, dack. get ready to fire that tow cable. dack? dack! rogue three. wedge, i've lost my gunner. you'll have to make this shot. i'll cover for you. set your harpoon. follow me on the next pass. steady, rogue two i see it, wedge. good work. rogue two, are you all right? we'll set harpoon. i'll cover for you. watch that cross fire, boys. stay tight and low. hobbie, i've been hit! artoo! get her ready for takeoff. don't worry, artoo. we're going, we're going. there's nothing wrong, artoo. i'm just setting a new course. we're not going to regroup with the others. we're going to the dagobah system. yes, artoo? that's all right. i'd like to keep it on manual control for a while. yes, that's it. dagobah. no, i'm not going to change my mind about this. i'm not picking up any cities or technology. massive life-form readings, though. there's something alive down there. yes, i'm sure it's perfectly safe for droids. i know, i know! all the scopes are dead. i can't see a thing! just hang on, i'm going to start the landing cycle. no, artoo, you stay put. i'll have a look around. artoo? artoo! where are you? artoo! you be more careful. artoo - that way! artoo! oh, no! are you all right? come on. you're lucky you don't taste very good. anything broken? if you're saying coming here was a bad idea, i'm beginning to agree with you. oh, artoo, what are we doing here? it's like. something out of a dream, or, i don't know. maybe i'm just going crazy. ready for some power? okay. let's see now. put that in there. there you go. now all i have to do is find this yoda. if he even exists. still. there's something familiar about this place. i feel like. i don't know. like we're being watched! i'm looking for someone. right. i don't think so. i'm looking for a great warrior. put that down. hey! that's my dinner! listen, friend, we didn't mean to land in that puddle, and if we could get our ship out, we would, but we can't, so why don't you just. hey, you could have broken this. don't do that. ohhh. you're making a mess. hey, give me that! i don't want your help. i want my lamp back. i'll need it to get out of this slimy mudhole. oh, artoo, let him have it! artoo! now will you move along, little fella? we're got a lot of work to do. i'm not looking for a friend. i'm looking for a jedi master. you know him? stay here and watch after the camp, artoo. look, i'm sure it's delicious. i just don't understand why we can't see yoda now. how far away is yoda? will it take us long to get there? mostly because of my father, i guess. oh, come on. how could you know my father? you don't even know who i am. oh, i don't know what i'm doing here. we're wasting our time. yoda! i am ready. i. ben! i can be a jedi. ben, tell him i'm ready. but i've learned so much. i won't fail you - i'm not afraid. vader. is the dark side stronger? but how am i to know the good side from the bad? but tell me why i can't. there's something not right here. i feel cold, death. what's in there? oh, no. we'll never get it out now. master, moving stones around is one thing. this is totally different. all right, i'll give it a try. i can't. it's too big. you want the impossible. i don't. i don't believe it. han! leia! i saw. i saw a city in the clouds. they were in pain. future? will they die? i've got to go to them. i can't keep the vision out of my head. they're my friends. i've got to help them. but han and leia will die if i don't. but i can help them! i feel the force! but i've learned so much since then. master yoda, i promise to return and finish what i've begun. you have my word. and that is why i have to go. you won't. and sacrifice han and leia? i understand. artoo, fire up the converters. i will. and i'll return. i promise. no, threepio's with them. just hang on. we're almost there. you'll find i'm full of surprises. no! i'll never join you! he told me enough! it was you who killed him. no. no. that's not true! that's impossible! no! no! no! ben. ben, please! ben. leia! hear me! leia! oh, leia. father. ben, why didn't you tell me? it's vader. ben, why didn't you tell me? good luck, lando i'll meet you at the rendezvous point on tatooine. chewie, i'll be waiting for your signal. take care, you two. may the force be with you. ow!