you found something? that's it. the rebels are there. that is the system. and i'm sure skywalker is with them. set your course for the hoth system. general veers, prepare you men. what is it, general? the rebels are alerted to our presence. admiral ozzel came out of light-speed too close to the system. he is as clumsy as he is stupid. general, prepare your troops for a surface attack. you have failed me for the last time, admiral. captain piett. make ready to land out troops beyond the energy shield and deploy the fleet so that nothing gets off that system. you are in command now, admiral piett. yes, admiral? asteroids do not concern me, admiral. i want that ship and not excuses. no, captain, they're alive. i want every ship available to sweep the asteroid field until they are found. yes, admiral, what is it? move the ship out of the asteroid field so that we can send a clear transmission. what is thy bidding, my master? i have felt it. yes, my master. he's just a boy. obi-wan can no longer help him. if he could be turned, he would become a powerful ally. he will join us or die, my master. there will be a substantial reward for the one who finds the millennium falcon. you are free to use any methods necessary, but i want them alive. no disintegrations. apology accepted, captain needa. alert all commands. calculate every possible destination along their last know trajectory. don't fail me again, admiral. we would be honored if you would join us. you may take captain solo to jabba the hut after i have skywalker. he will not be permanently damaged. they must never again leave this city. perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly. good. it would be unfortunate if i had to leave a garrison here. this facility is crude, but it should be adequate to freeze skywalker for his journey to the emperor. good. monitor skywalker and allow him to land. i do not want the emperor's prize damaged. we will test it. on captain solo. the empire will compensate you if he dies. put him in! well, calrissian, did he survive? he's all yours bounty hunter. reset the chamber for skywalker. good. see to it that he finds his way here. calrissian, take the princess and the wookiee to my ship. i am altering the deal. pray i don't alter it any further. the force is with you, young skywalker. but you are not a jedi yet. you have learned much, young one. your destiny lies with me, skywalker. obi-wan knew this to be true. all to easy. perhaps you are not as strong as the emperor thought. impressive. most impressive. obi-wan has taught you well. you have controlled your fear. now release your anger. only your hatred can destroy me. you are beaten. it is useless to resist. don't let yourself be destroyed as obi-wan did. there is no escape. don't make me destroy you. you do not yet realize your importance. you have only begun to discover your power. join me and i will complete your training. with our combined strength, we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to the galaxy. if you only knew the power of the dark side. obi-wan never told you what happened to your father. no. i am your father. search your feelings. you know it to be true. luke. you can destroy the emperor. he has foreseen this. it is your destiny. join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son. come with me. it is the only way. bring my shuttle. did your men deactivate the hyperdrive on the millennium falcon? good. prepare the boarding party and set your weapons for stun. luke. son, come with me. luke. it is your destiny.