alarms are sounding a padme, the jedi, anakin, eirtae, and padme's troops rush into the hanger. battle droids begin firing at them as they run for cover. anakin runs under a naboo fighter. the jedi deflect bolts aimed at padme back onto the battle droids, causing them to explode. anakin hides behind one of the naboo fighters, ducking as large bolts whiz past and explode near him. padme and the two jedi destroy battle droids right and left. the queen's troops and eirtae also blast away at the droids. padme signals to her pilots. captain panaka, sabe and naboo troops rush into the hanger and overwlm the few remaining battle droids. padme, obi-wan, and qui-gon join forces with the sith lord drives the jedi out of the hanger and nto the power generator area next door. ric olie and the other pilots gather around as thye exit their ships.