food. eat. i prepare food. i work as a cook. that's how i make money. what do you do? hey, that sounds interesting. you like it? make any money? you don't get rich as a cook, either, believe me. i got a girl going to college this fall. the wife had to go back to nursing to help pay for it. smoke? she wants to become a doctor. she's a bright kid. hard worker. i think she'll make it. but the damned inflation's driven the tuition up so high it makes it real tough on a family like ours. i got two other kids. i don't know what we'll do when they get old enough for college. everybody blames it on the oil crisis. that might be where it starts. but i think a lot of people are just using that as an excuse to rip the rest of us off. i see it every day in the kitchen. peaches. we use the gallon cans. the price has gone up three times in the last year. and now the cans are only half full. do you have children? they're damned expensive and a pain in the ass sometimes, but i wouldn't trade having them for anything. what do you think of america? well, here we are. you go down that ramp there, you're sure to get a ride. and don't be shy about your english. you speak better than a lot of people i know. take care of yourself.