at the base of a sandstone cliff, the camaro slides to a stop. jenny helps the star man out. she supports him as they struggle toward the protection of the boulders. fox's cobra roars over the hill. the star man turns toward the cobra. weakly, he raises his weapon and pulls the trigger. nothing happens. the searchlight from the cobra finds them. its machine guns begin to raise puffs of gravel around them. jenny grabs the star man's arm and pulls him into the relative safety of the rocks. the star man collapses against the cool stone. shermin's helicopter moves toward jenny and the star man standing helpless in the circle thrown by the searchlight. shermin's helicopter passes over the heads of jenny and the star man and rises into the dawn sky. the spacecraft passes over the top of the helicopter. the whirling downdraft emanating from the spaceship's underbelly yanks the cobra away from jenny and the star man and whips it into a spin which gets faster and faster until it disintegrates and falls to the desert floor. jenny and the star man shield their faces against the dust storm that billows under the whining descent of the spacecraft. it settles into a landing across the dirt road resting on its three pods. with a crack, a cone of bright white light blasts from the underside. jenny turns away from the stinging sand as the space-craft lifts off. when she looks again, it is high and moving over the foothills. a banking turn brings it back. the ship dips low over her, rocks itself in a gesture of farewell, then shoots off into the stars. when she can no longer see it, jenny drops her wave with a sigh and starts back toward the camaro.