using only its parking lights, the police car creeps up the dirt road between skeletons of unfinished houses. the police car comes around a curve on the hillside and stops. above them on the next hill, a necklace of embers from a grass fire and a burning tree flicker through the fog. the men get out of the car. a light shines directly into our eyes. as it swings away from us we realize that it was the searchlight on the police car which is idling along the dirt road with its running lights off. the fire on the hill gives the fog down here a red tint. the police car passes a road perpendicular to the one it is on. a couple of houses down that road a faint glow spills over the sides of an industrial dumpster. as we watch we hear an eerie high pitched whistle, a shaft of light slowly rises out of the metal box and seems to fly off between the houses. the police car is parked in the middle of the dirt road. benny and the officers are intent on a light that reaches them only in strobes as it moves through the houses in the direction of the fire on the hill. the police searchlight swings onto the house. the men strain to see something through the silent fog. from the road benny and the officer watch as the humanoid figure that just blasted over them flies between the trees and into the white light emitting from the underbelly of the spacecraft. the noise from the ship's power plant is deafening as it begins to rise above the trees. the fires on the hillside have been renewed. shaking, benny and the officer rise to their feet and start toward the light shafting straight up from the figure lying on the hillside. the only sound is police chatter coming out of the radio in the open squad car.