there's no mistake? you're absolutely sure? is there any possibility that it's a hoax? could you be mistaken? get the body out of there. load it on the air force chopper and get it to wright patterson. they'll take it from there. we didn't expect this, shermin. we're going. damn! we'll tell the press that there was an accident. chemical warfare spill. that cover cannot be violated in any way. understand me, shermin? shermin, i want you and bell to start looking for the one on the ground. i'm going to the white house right now. i'll try and get you everything you need. contain it and get back to me. just what i said. i've got something for you. recognize this? houston found it in the extraterrestrial's suit. we don't think that's necessarily bad. at least it's a point of contact. we'll get those answers when you find the one you're looking for. we've been back and forth on this all day and keeping in mind the panic that would occur if this got to the general public, it's been decided not to expand the search at this time. you have to. we're trying to contact the ship. if we do, i'll let you know immediately. good luck. dr. bergen, george fox here in washington. can you give us an idea of why they're here? when can we expect containment? it's in a green mustang? why did you let it get into a populated area? clarify that. repeat the last item. oh shit!!! i just came from a meeting with the security council and in view of the extraterrestrial's radical change and the fact that all our efforts to contact its ship remain unanswered, it was decided to issue a ten state 'all points bulletin' for scott haydn, jenny haydn and the green mustang. the officers have been instructed not to approach the people or the vehicle but to contact you. you will then move in and contain the subjects. i'm afraid the situation demands that kind of risk. dammit shermin. earlier you were asking for help. what's changed? we don't know what else to do. we need results. i'm gonna be here if you need anything. we're growing very concerned back here. there's no use pretending otherwise. we're rapidly approaching a 'condition red.' people are beginning to ask difficult questions. i don't care where you're from you just can't disappear into thin air. so far you've let it cross the heart of america. for two days it has been absorbing information that is detrimental to our security. i don't see the humor in that. is that what's affecting your performance? you just do your job, shermin. we'll make the policy. shermin. we have a new directive. i'm taking over. washington thinks it's too late for that. you're not hearing me. we'll do that. but how are we going to hold him? he can change himself into a man. he can disappear. no, we don't. you're a career intelligence officer, shermin. you'll be in the air with us. mrs. haydn. this is george fox. you can speak to me, mrs. haydn. i'm in charge of this operation now. okay. no deal. over there. watch it. they're coming out. end it, shermin. what? shermin!! shermin!!! shermin!!! lock in.