jenny is driving. the star man finds a religious station on the radio. jenny's behind hasn't even hit the seat before she sees the patrol car parked on the frontage road off to her left. she looks at the star man. he's busy pounding on the drink machine. she turns around to check the lot behind her and spots the patrol car there. at the sound, the star man snaps his attention to the rear view mirror. it's ablaze with police lights. he tromps on the gas. the lead patrol car feints forward on the star man's side. the star man sways over to cut it off and the middle patrol car slips in next to jenny. the star man grabs the gun from under the seat. jenny screams. the star man squints against the headlights of the on-coming traffic as he calmly wedges his way straight through it. the star man realizes he's still boxed in. a car carrier swerves by on his left. the lane behind is open. the star man takes advantage of the opportunity. jenny moans as the car jostles over the rough ground. the star man puts out a hand to cushion her ride. his headlights pick up a gravel road splitting the field and he turns onto it. in a quick look back, he sees the patrol car shooting across the highway after him.