very beautiful country up here. not on the landscape. we're trying to get a tube under the faceplate for a reading on possible deadly lifeforms but it's hard going. no. wait'll you see it. we had a flight of f16's play tag with the spaceship over michigan for an hour. then it shot straight up and disappeared. no, sir. radar. after i called in, i had a chance to sit down with the three locals. they swear there's another one that didn't make the ship. it might be alive. i've been investigating sightings for seventeen years, mr. shermin. this one's real. we have a dead extra- terrestrial in that tent and another one in the area that might be alive. we've been visited. it's finally happened and the sooner washington accepts that and starts figuring out how we're going to deal with these beings, the better off we're going to be. look at the hands. we better get it into the box. come on. major bell here, sir. we have to tell these people that we're friendly. that this whole thing was a mistake. is anyone trying to contact the ship? i'm telling you they're probably friendly. i've never once heard of anybody being hurt by an extraterrestrial. i've heard of blood being drawn, sometimes they were taken for a ride in the ship, a lot of times they said they had sex. but nobody was ever hurt. it's a copy of the plaque nasa sent into space on the pioneer probes. they must have picked it up in space. it was only an accident that we discovered them. twenty-eight years. yes. it was kind of like clicking, maybe a language wasn't it? it was a man though. right? nothing up there. the grass is matted down in a few places, but that could have been anything. it's the right area, that's for sure. they're gonna let some local cop blow him away. jesus lyman, you're an ignorant fool. you have no conception of this, do you? no. i guess we never thought it would happen.