marc shermin, national security agency. this has always been my favorite time of day. any signs of biological contamination, excessive radiation, anything like that? can you see under the faceplate? there's a good chance you could be wrong about this thing then. was there visual contact? it could have been anything. people have made mistakes in these situations before. oh, jesus. the other one is alive! get fox. it's real, george. i saw it with my own eyes. we've killed an extraterrestrial and. none. and there's another one in the area that's alive. i don't know if it's the only one. i don't know if it was left here by accident or it's part of an inva. neither did i. we'll need a lot of help, george. you could hide an army up here. wait, wait. what are my orders if we find this thing? what do you mean by 'contain?' aghh. i'm supposed to umpire a little league game tomorrow. lock in. give it a rest, lyman. any reports about monsters, people in halloween masks, anything like that? then it's not an accident that they found us. not necessarily bad! if they knew we were here why didn't they let us know they were coming? that's not going to happen, george, unless you get us the help you promised us. don't let them do it this way, george. it's too important. we can't find this thing alone. we always were. there's nothing. no reports of sightings or landings or anything. in the other parts of the country or overseas. seems like a totally isolated incident. i know, but. you married, major? to the same woman? i tried it once. fourteen years ago. 'i was a lousy husband and a worse father. the only thing i'm good at is this. at least until yesterday. how would you describe the sounds we heard coming out of that thing's helmet? listen to this. a woman was kidnapped in eau claire this morning. when a citizen went to her rescue the kidnapper threatened him with a gun and shouted at him in a strange 'clicking gibberish'. the police think he was high on drugs. what do you think? it was the husband. the police finally got a hold of the witness at work and showed him a picture of the woman. why the clicking language though? sorry to disturb you, sir, but there's been some trouble next door. i'd like to ask you a few questions. there's a possibility that mrs. haydn's been kidnapped. we're hoping you might have seen something. george, we've just confirmed the existence of the live extraterrestrial. well, we're in pursuit of a green mustang. yes. it's kidnapped a woman at gunpoint and from what we can make out is forcing her to drive it somewhere. no, no. a .45, it probably got it in the woman's house. they were last seen in downtown eau claire. it's taken on a disguise. it's made itself look like the woman's dead husband. the extraterrestrial now looks like this. you sure you want this, because. that's putting an awful lot of faith in people we have no control over. i don't like it, george. it's messy. the thing's got a gun. we're just asking for somebody to get killed. you'll get results one way or the other, that's for sure. okay. are you ladies through?. good. it looks like we might be the welcoming committee, so i think we should try and figure out what we're gonna do if we have to come face to face with this creature. did your people have any contingencies rehearsed? terrific. huh?. eh. no, there isn't yeah, thanks. we appreciate that. you saw that? i wouldn't think so. we will. something's wrong here. she's helping him now. doesn't make sense. get this back to the copter. mrs. haydn, please come out. we don't want to hurt you or your friend. please put down your weapon and come out. okay, fan out. these people have a gun but we want them alive. understand? mrs. haydn, we don't want to hurt you. put down your gun and come out. we just want to talk to your friend. tell him i'm not here. get me a radio. at least i won't have to look at his face. i'll make this as simple as i can, george. they disappeared. george, listen to what you're saying. this thing's changed itself into a man. disappearing may not be that big a deal. maybe. look, this is just something to think about. from what i got at the shopping center, it was more scared than anything else. i don't feel it's as big a threat as you think it is. i'm not being unpatriotic, and i'm doing my damndest to catch them. bell's up on 80 and i'm down here on 70 past grand junction. they're heading west. if they're not flying we have a damn good chance of getting them. all i'm asking is that you people think about it. you trace it yet? this is marc shermin. where are you, mrs. haydn? you've been through quite an ordeal, mrs. haydn. why don't you stay where you are and let us pick you up? we'll fly you home. is the man who kidnapped you there now? get a highway patrol unit over there. mrs. haydn, i'm going to have to ask you to stay where you are. marc shermin. do you know what you were kidnapped by? mrs. haydn. is he on his way to lathrop wells? what's he planning to do in lathrop wells? is he meeting someone there? you get that, lyman? any sign of either of them yet? okay. tell the highway patrol to block all major arteries off 70 from here to elmo's. hello george. what's all this for? we don't have to do it that way. we can catch him this time. i've never been taken off an assignment in my life. give me twenty- four hours and i'll have him for you. you can change a directive, george. you've done it before. listen to me. he's going somewhere in death valley. lathrop wells was never anything but a bus stop. east is the nuclear site. there are no roads in there. she was teaching him to hitchhike. i'm telling you. we block the four roads into death valley and we got him. that's the chance we have to take. then you're going to have to do it without me. you're talking about taking a life. the most unique life form on this planet. i think we're better than that. hello. we can't let you do that. all the roads into death valley are blocked. we'd like to talk to you. hold on a minute. let's take the chance, george. i'm afraid we can't let you go. george. do you hear me, george? i just retired. let's get out of here.