mapmaker wind. do you hear me? mapmaker wind. do you hear me? mapmaker wind. do you hear me? iron channel message. suit and rockets destroyed. radical mixture of this atmosphere and ours in helmet allowed chemo-ion response time to adapt my body to this air. am going to attempt extreme transformation in order to cross land mass to site of our practice landings. if transformation is not fatal, second message ball by next darkness. wehave. wehave. wehave. wehave. wehave. please. please. please. that way. what. ah no. what. steering wheel. gear shift. dashboard. what?! police. steering wheel. gear shift. dashboard. good. that way. good. what? what? what? pancakes. what? what? go. r-r-s-s. t-t-u. u-v-v. cow. dog. pig. w-w. what? the united states of america. in god we trust. ten dollars. money. mi-chi-gan driver li-see-ens. jennyhaydn. money? what? smile. good? what?! minneapolis. minneapolis. minneapolis. good. no gas. gas good? go. closed? what? who is he? who is she? who are you? who am i? who are you? jennyhaydn. i am. from? space? gas. no gas. who? i am husband? shit? shit. shit. what shit? who? no. you. mouth closed. gas. no. gas. kid-nap-ped. go-ing w o-n. money. what? money. candy. thank you. what is. . coke? i want to try it. good. shit! what is kidnapped? kidnapped!!! kidnapped!!! what is kidnapped?!! jennyhaydn. i am good. what is that? horses. what? iron channel message. transmute was successful. have captured one of them. it is taking me to the pick-up point in a land vehicle. i think i can control it by mastering its language, which is primitive and easy to learn. will arrive on time. wait for me. it was yellow. i will see it next time. my. . car will take me. . up there. home. i do not understand. yes. yes. day. night. three nights. two days. i need you. no. no. no. when we get here. jennyhaydn! please. please. jennyhaydn! jennyhaydn! thank you. is that a baby? a baby is a new person? do you have a baby? why? why? but i must go here. what is hitchhike? 'salt lake city, please. i do not speak english.' but i speak english. i do not speak english. 'las vegas, please. i do not speak english.' what is hitchhike? yes. 'lathrop wells, please. i do not speak english.' the car will stop? when do i get to lathrop wells? can i have the gun? yes. go? goodbye. jennyhaydn. please stay. what? i was afraid. it was a mistake. no. my ship was doing a map of all the suns and. we were doing a map of the stars and all the other things up there when we saw a small ship. my. eh. we kidnapped it. on it there was a map that said how to come to earth. this was very important. before then, we thought we were the only people in all the stars. yes? we told our home, and the people who tell us what to do on my planet said to come and look but not to talk, not to land, not to shoot. just to look from up there. we came and. the driver of my ship. the captain wanted to land to see close and to get some things from earth to take home. the police came and shot at us. one of the people from my ship was killed. i don't understand 'friend.' he was a good friend. the captain took the ship away fast and i was not in the ship. i understand. what is hell? he will. are you my friend? i am your friend. who is god? why? i like this music. not all. but it feels like a kiss. yes. i do not want to. i am not a good singer. you liked my singing? jenny, look. but i have never seen this before. i am not complete. i want a drink. may i have two quarters? on the radio they say it's good. the machine gave me two. should i put one back? you can have one. are you angry at me? jennyhaydn! jennyhaydn!! you will be all right. iron channel message. almost caught by pursuers. this may hinder escape. wait for me. jennyhay. nd. you are all fixed. i'm sorry you were shot. i was a big problem for you. thank you for your help. i can go to my ship alone now. las vegas, please. i do not speak english. i don't understand. i don't understand. no. i understand. i make maps. eh. yes. no. no. it is beautiful. thank you. las vegas, please. jennyhaydn!!! i told you goodbye. why are you here? this car will take me to las vegas. i cannot go back. if i don't meet the ship, my people will go home without me. i will go. but not you. i don't want you to be hurt. the cook said i speak good english. i must meet my ship. i feel better if i move. asshole!! the cook. i can't stay on this planet. you promised you would get me to my ship. you promised. you can stop. i will go on alone. i can't stay here. i want to go home. i don't want this skin. i don't want to look like this. i used the last one to jump off the cliff. i can't be late. i don't know if the radio balloons work above your planet. i don't know if my words went to the ship. if i'm not there, the captain will think i'm dead and go. you are cold. i do not get cold. what? horses. no. do they talk?! i understand. i gave you a baby last night. they are beautiful. you have been very good to me, jennyhaydn. you said you wanted a baby, so i gave you one. it will be human and it will look like this. but when it comes it will know everything i know and everything you know. that is something from my planet that i want your baby to have. you will have this baby. if you want it. if you don't, i can stop it now. is this gambling? the cowboys were right. you can make money fast gambling. may i have twenty-five cents, please? i want to gamble. i understand. thank you. i know how to gamble now. i want to get money for you and the baby. inflation, tuition, college. children are damned expensive. i know. yes. this is very interesting. we are born knowing our history. we have other books. but not a book like this. i understand. many of my people will not believe those things are possible. on my planet there is only one government, one people, one language. i will be asked a lot of questions. i will say that we can be friends. if you want to keep it, you can. you want the baby to laugh at me. many, many days and nights. no, thank you. there. the yellow one. i will wave to you. oh, shit! i must get to my ship, mr. shermin. i don't want to hurt anybody. i just want to go home. if i talk to you, i will miss my ship. i understand. thank you, jennyhaydn. you are good. i must go alone now. i do not know how many times i can do this. if my ship is not here, we are in trouble. that's where we landed last time. right under that mountain. i can't shoot anymore. i must go. what do i do now? i love you. no. tell the baby about me. goodbye. thank you, jennyhaydn.