he'll have to get past me. sir, i don't understands who needs a knife in a nuke fight anyway. all you gotta do is push a button, sir ! awk ! i'd like to disable zim! aw, you either got what it takes or you don't. at ease, soldier. it's all the same muck. you got some guts for a rich kid. i guess you and me could be buddies. hey, don't laugh. everyone oughta have a friend like me ! what makes you think. you'll make. squad leader, rico ? you rich kids. are all the same ! i'm going career. officer's training. that's why i wanna be squad leader. they look for that. oh, yeah ? i don't see anyone else here with the chops to lead. i love you truly, so truly, dear! our love will grow, dear, year by year. zim hadda choose someone to be his brown nose, i guess. yeow, rico, you don't deserve that ! funny how they always want to be your friends after they kick your guts out. whad'ya talkin about ? you made squad leader on your own, and, hey, you still got me to kick around. hey, shoot a nuke down a bug hole, lotta dead bugs, am i right ? great scars. i say we all go to the laser parlor and get cut together. whoa, easy there, buddy. nice punch. no, this hurts. mobile infantery rules ! officer on deck ! kill it ! i didn't see him ! i uh. uh. retrieval ! dizzy says you two knew this rasczak character in buenos aires. yeah, well, i hear he's a real nutbuster. is your lieutenant as bad as they say ? sounds like he is quite a guy. there. no way. big k taught me i ain't executive material. agghh ! it's making me sick! lieutenant, i think you're gonna wanna see this, sir. dirty bugs came in right when they were having chow ! officer on the deck, sir. lieutenant, we got trouble ! jeez, we musta killed a million already! getting low here, sir ! officer on the deck ! we got reinforced. most of'em just got outa boot. got it. fleet tactical wants to know where they can deploy the skimmers. fleet command says retrieval's no go. the battle group's at safe distance. and we got another problem. bug hunt ! yes, sir ! ah geez.