they probably wouldn't say anything. hiroshima was destroyed. c'mon, let's see if they've posted the math final test yet. first thing fleet academy looks at is your math scores. wish me luck ! your turn. hold on. i wanna talk to marco. his sister's at fleet ! she's flying starships ! marco's sister. can you imagine maneuvering half a million tons through crwoded space lanes. you gotta have nerves of steel ! reflexes are critical c'mon johnny, we'll be late for biology. eeuch ! but we 're intelligent. human minds have invented art, mathematics and interstellar travel. excuse me! well, at least you didn't lose your lunch over a bug. how embarassing. don't be so sure. i like you even if you are dumb with numbers. i don't want everyone to see. how come that's all you talk about anymore ? you can't walk me home. i thought you were going to help carl. johnny, my dad's home today. it's not you, johnny. your parents are rich they don't need to be citizens, and that stuff means a lot to my dad. he's a veteran. sometimes i do what i want, eh ? are you alright ? everyone is going to the dance. aren't you ? you're going to the academy ? that's where i want to go. i'd love to talk to you abou that. don't you have to finish the game ? how do i know if this is love ? romance is just a vestigial biological response to procreation. i'll meet you outside. johnny, this is zander. good luck at the academy. he just got accepted to the fleet academy. isn't that great ? no, i mean if he can get in, maybe i have a chance. zander is going for pilot, too. johnny rico, you're jealous ! he's nothing like you. are you the boy for me ? oh, johnny. everyone's looking. we shouldn't. you're right. let's never stop. shhh. sorry, dad. see you, johnny. dad, leave him alone. i wonder where carl is. you don't suppose? shhh ! don't make him feel worse. i'm gonna go for pilot. hey, carl, what's wrong ? games & theory ? that's military intelligence. oh, carl ! let's all make a vow. let's swear we'll always be friends no matter what. i can't wait to tell my dad i'm in. he's gonna be so happy ! my dad had to help me pack. suddenly he's afraid he's never gonna see me again or something. it was sweet, but it took forever. anyway, i guess i'm ready to go. poor boy. i'm sorry your parents were so mad. you talk to carl ? it's exciting, but it's scary, too isn't it. going someplace new where you don't know anyone. i'll miss you, too, johnny. oh, that's me. alright, i love you. i said it. isn't that enough ? don't forget to write ! looking it down ! on my mark, in three, two, one. go ! this is nothing. today, i get to fly that ! pilot trainee ibanez reporting for duty, ma'am. yes, ma'am ! hey ! what are you doing here ? assistant insructor. you must be some kind of a hot stick. should i call you "sir" ? it's amazing, us running into each other like this. maybe it's fate. yes, ma'am. in simulation, my supervisors could never keep up. oh, yes, sir. vector ? or? oh, i see. teamwork. hi, johnny, i would've written sooner, but they've really got us going every moment here. i'm glad you're doing so well. if they haven't made you squad leader by now, i'm sure you will. look at that. isn't it beautiful ? i had to show you. it's great to be out here on my own. i'm just not some little girl from buenos aires anymore. i'm gonna be a starship pilot, and i'm gonna see the universe. and that's also the problem because i don't really want to get married, johnny. i don't want to have kids. i want a command, a ship of my own, and you know, i don't think that's gonna leave a lot of room for you and me. i know that's not what you wanted to hear. but i have to follow my heart. i'm sorry. i'm afraid you'll hate me, and i couldn't stand that. write me, alright ? write me, so i'll know that we'll always be friends. thanks. you read my mind. third watch always seems to last forever. no, i replotted the course. it's more efficient this way. hey, check it. don't change the subject. am i right ? don't mess with the boss. so what'd the captain say ? you and me, huh ? no, what do you want ? i want to be part of the best flight team in the fleet. where is it ? it looks like an. asteroid. thank you, ma'am. hey johnny ! johnny rico ! oh. at ease. guess i oughta lose the hat when i'm off duty, eh ? what do you think ? everyone did it when we got our wings. you don't like it, do you ? it's funny. sometimes i forget. then it hits me, and i can't stop crying. you don't look very happy to see me. johnny. life is so different from the way it was. one day you'll see what i did was best for both of us. zander, you remember johnny ? zander and i are a flight team now. johnny, wait. zander, please. let's go ! what's wrong with you ? plasma, ma'am. from the planet. ticonderoga, this is rodger young requesting approach vector. stare at the battle-scared starships and burnt-out hulks that line the docks of ticonderoga. you know, we're lucky to be alive. you weren't thinking. you were dreaming ! there's a war on. i want a command, i want my own ship, you do, too. so who's got time to get married ? funny. no, funny there's almost no wounded at all. oh no. excuse me! please, i. everybody's lost someone by now. this shouldn't be any different. no, i. oh, zander, i'm a fool. no, don't you see ? no one can wait for anything anymore. you're right. we should get married. johnny! i thought you were dead ! rodger young, this is inbound shuttle de ruyter with an official request from the mobile infantery to bombard planet p-11. negative on your request. fleet command has the battle group on standby. i'm sorry. no, i think something's up. the sky marshall's here. i thought you were kia, johnny. you look so. i don't know, you look like you've really been in it. almost got knocked out of the sky over big k. a funeral. yeah. i don't know, zander. well, look at this. the three of us back together again. you knew and you sent them anyway ? hope you get your brain bug, carl. take care, wilya johnny ? where's lieutenant barcalow ? prepare for warp ! this is rodger young, we're going down. repeat, this is rodger young, we're going down! no way, ma'am ! mayday, mayday ! this is lieutenant carmen ibanez in lifepod ry63. i'm going in. this is lieutenant carmen ibanez. is anyone receiving ? my present location is 42 degrees south by 176 degrees east. situation is extremely hostile. i. aaaaaaaaa ! aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! aaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! johnny! zander! oh, you're hurt. i thought i was dead. lucky for me you jokers showed up, eh ? is it true ? which way ? zander, what are you doing ? zander, no! look. they got it. To the best of my understanding, i