my mother always says that violence never solves anything. tesla's tough. they tumble good and they hit hard. kick three, fade left. on two. hut. hut ! watch the blitz! flip six, three hole. rico ? hey ! you were drifting. flip six, three hole. on one, got it ? hut ! hey, rico, wanna dance ? too bad for her if she's not around. you know, it's sad. most of us probably won't see each other again after tonight. looks like, unless tokyo lets me start. how come we never got together ? sure. guess you gotta go. sir, recruit flores, reporting for duty , sir. sir, i heard it was the best, sir ! hey, amigo, come chow with me. what's your malfunction, rico ? what ? you think i joined the mobile infantery because of you ? coming through ! well, some say he turned his back on the family fortune to be a citizen, others say he did it for a girl. missed a spot there, bucko. which is funny because johnny says i joined up to be with him, but why would i do that ? he doesn't even like me. i bet it's that girl i was talking about. her name's carmen, i think. flip six, three hole. high school. remember ? run a flip six, three hole play, and you might score. you got it. yeah, sure. friends. it stinks, you goin. if they didn't want you, they woulda kicked you out, amigo. you take the stroll down washout lane, you're only proving one thing, johnny. that you don't have what it takes to be acitizen ! aw, johnny, geez. it's home. yum, yum yum ! i like the jewelry. hey, amigo, where can i get an earring like yours ? what, your skin's too pretty ? c'mon, everyone's doing it ! forget it, johnny. cap troopers and fleet weren't meant to mix ! don't get any on you ! ace, what're we doing ? look out ! johnny ! johnny ! where are you ? johnny ! johnny! two more days. the roughnecks killed more bugs than any other outfit in 2nd brigade. only took 15% casualties on big k. where you been besides big k ? way to go, amigo ! looks like i'm your girl, sir. that'd be me, sir. i'm hot, sir ! c'mon. you used to dance. well, excuse me, sir. what ? planet p ? what kind of name is that ? johnny, watch out ! it's here, sir. i'm on it ! workin on it! i got power ! gimme a minute ! what frequency ? roughneck patrol to battle group. roughneck patrol to battle group. 300 rounds and counting, sir ! aaaaaaa ! get it off me i bought the farm, didn't i, johnny ? it's alright 'cause i got to have you, johnny.