this came for you today. i presume on your request. have you lost you lost your mind ? i'd rather take ten lashes in public square than see you ruin your life. who gave you this idea ? it's that teacher. what's his name ? you know the one i mean. rasczak. silly name. there ought to be a law against using a school as a recruiting station ! good, because you're going to harvard, and that's the end of it. oh, is that how it is ? a trip to the outer rings. whad'ya think of that ? a year at harvard and you'll see this "federal service" is just menial training for inferior people so they can call themselves "citizens" and take airs for the rest of their lives. sorry. carl's a fine boy. teenagers ! you'll resign, and that's all there is to it. it might look bad, but if that's the worst you suffer. i'm telling you, you will ! you're not going back. you're going to go on vacation ! you walk out that door, you're cut off, young man. you understand me ? alright, that's it, you're. cut off ! johnny ! where's your uniform? well, it's just good to hear from you. what's up, son ? don't talk like that. get yourself home as fast as you can. yeah ! we'll talk it out and have a good glass of wine . and. well, we love you, son. looks like rain.