com'on, let's go ! on the bounce this way ! kitten ! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ! oh, god. oh, god, help me. please help me. sorry, mr. rasczak. the difference lies in the field of civic virtue. a citizen accepts personal responsibility for the safety of the body politic, of which he is a member, defending it, if need be, with his life. the civilian does not. uh, i don't know. how should i know ? good for you. what's the hurry ? did you read her mind ? yeah, but i want carmen. who ? i have good reflexes. aw, c'mon, it's just a bug. better put your goggles on. well, if that's the crop, that must be the gastric caecal. 35% on the math final ! no one could be that dumb with numbers. who cares about bugs ? you can't go anywhere if you don't know math. then how come you won't hold hands with me at school ? why won't you kiss me when we're all alone ? it's all i think about anymore. why not ? carl can wait. what's he got against me. i mean, i 'm a teenager. you can't be a citizen when you're only a teenager ! well, if your dad doesn't like me, how come we're such good friends ? ace of spades. in addition to "psychic dolt" this test also proves i'm unlucky ? two of hearts. i wouldn't want to know what everyone was thinking. four of spades. he just wants attention. you don't play with him like you used to. how do you make him do that ? carl, promise me you won't ever do anything like that to me. ten of clubs. you still gonna sign up for starside r&d ? i've been thinking about applying for federal service, too. fleet, maybe. i'm eighteen. it's my decision, i think i'd make a pretty good pilot. i've good great reflexes. you need that for maneuvering, you know. eight point. no, uh, seven. all i know is carmen's going to be a citizen, and i don't think it'll work out for us if i'm not. queen of hearts. we tumble good, too. a lot can happen in three minutes. don't get any ideas. she's my girl. what ? just throw me the ball, diz. aw, don't get mushy. a lot of my friends are doing federal service. it's aterm of service, not a career. i just want to get out on my own and see the galaxy for a couple of years. mr. rasczak. no, mr. rasczak doesn't do that at all. he sorta discourages you really. i'm eighteen. it's my decision. uh, no. wow ! santori and zegema beach, i've always wanted to go there. wait a minute ! carl is doing his federal and he isn't inferior. he's the smartest kid at school ! i don't know what they teach at harvard, but i think i'm pretty good enough the way i am ! well, that's what you're saying ! you're saying that i'm not good enough the way i am now ! actually, diz, i promised carmen. you still gonna play for brazil ? well, anyone who gets you is lucky. can't we just be friends, diz ? uh, look, diz. you're the best. isn't it great to be in love ? it wouldn't be so romantic if we weren't. aw, you're in love with me. you just dont know it yet. wait, i want to talk to mr. rasczak. mister rasczak ? i just wanted to say thanks 'cause history and moral philosophy was the best class i had this year. i wanna join up, mr. rasczak. i think i have what it take to be a citizen. well, my parents are against it, and i know it's my choice, but i was wondering. what would you do if you were me ? none at all. we won. yeah, sure, i guess. what are you talking about ? we both know you're gonna be a pilot. you two have so much in common. i can't help it. i don't even know if you're my girl. i'm gonna do it, carmen. i'm gonna sign up for federal service. who cares ? i love you, carmen. maybe carmen's gonna make her own decisions from now on, mr. ibanez. here in buenos aires. no, sir. courage, i guess. i want to be a citizen because. well, because of my girl, sir. wow, that's great. i want to be a pilot, sir. naw, i made it, carl made it. he was in the group with me. i guess he didn't. did you get starside r&d ? i don't believe it ! whoa ! way to go, boy-yo ! infantery, sir. i'll go for that. my father's probably gonna kill me. i won't quit ! i'm not going on vacation ! i want to be acitizen ! it's my decision. i made it. well, yeah, sure. don't talk about my girl that way. you're late. me, too. i'm wearing everything i own. who cares ! the federation'll give me everything i need for the next two years, right ? he left this morning. he couldn't say where. i'm gonna miss you. i love you. com'on, just say it. try it on for size. do you mean it ? he's good alright. better get in line like everyone else, ace. what an honor. no thanks, diz. you are. i joined up to get out on my own. and you had to tag along. you saying you didn't ? something. i've got. you don't. it isn't about rich. it's about who's best! wanting it doesn't make you the best one for the job. well, maybe you better look again. aw, who asked you to be so nosey ? i know it's not much, but it's home. over there's my bunk where i dream about you every night. hey, do you mind ? boot's pretty tough, and sometimes i think i won't make it, but then i imagine you're watching me, and that gives me someting. i try harder. thanks to you, i think i might have a shot at squad leader. uh-oh, i gotta pack it in. i hope you're having fun, hope you're careful. no training accidents for you, eh ? i want to kiss you so badly. i want to feel you next to me, i- bye ! write me ! i'm gonna kill you guys ! man, they're defended. no way in. what ? cover me. thanks, pal. sir, thank you, sir ! yeeee-haaaaaaaaaaaaa! i just want you guys to know that i'll never do anything that i haven't asked you to do first. couldn't've done it without you, diz. friends ? bet it's from my girl. shhhh! all it takes is the love of a good woman. it's what i deserve. i joined up for her. i wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for her. i'm a fool. thanks, ace. sir, yes, sir ! crossfire ! everybody down ! alright, no more screw ups. ace takes point. diz, you and kitten smith cover the flanks. djana'd, you're rear guard. move out. what's the problem ? let me see. oh, god. uh. medic ! sir, yes, sir. breckinridge reported a helmet malfunction, and i asked him to show it to me, sir. sir, no, sir. sir, i needed everyone in my squad operational, sir. i. i wanted to win, sir. sir, no, sir ! sir. i guess i do, sir. i don't stay where i'm not wanted. hey, they humiliated me in front of everyone ! i'm just supposed to take it, huh ? well, i'm not gonna, and i guess that proves i just can't cut it. hi, mom. it's not really working out for me here, dad. i was thinking. i was hoping it would be alright if i came home. i've made a mess of things. i've been so stupid. well, see ya. what's that, diz ? hey, kitten, what's going on ? oh, jeez, is that geneva ? sir, i wish to reconsider my request to drop out, sir. sir, i know it was wrong. i didn't learn from one mistake and i made another, sir. sir, my family. my whole family was in buenos aires, sir. sir, yes it is, sir. yeah, well, i'm from buenos aires, and i say kill'em all ! how can you tell ? waht's it like. combat ? what do i want with a scar ? carmen. ? what happened to your hair ? it's alright, i guess. you hear from anyone made it out of b.a. alive ? i try just to be happy i'm still alive. should i be ? i get it. this is the part that's best for both of us. don't do me anymore favors, eh ? you got something to say about the mobile infantery ? not with an officer, no, sir. the m.i. doesn't mint stupid cap troopers. hey, it's just a vestigal response to procreation. bitch. it hurts! yaaaaaaaa ! death to all bugs ! lieutenant's bought the farm. where's the sarge? don't waste your ammon on the workers ! c'mon, katrina was right. we gotta get out of here ! it's a general retreat ! the boats are coming down. c'mon, let's go ! on the bounce ! kitten ! aaaaaaaaaaaaa ! medic. medic! oh, god. oh, god, help me. please help me! he was our teacher. he was great. seeing as how we're about all that's left of 1st brigade, you'd have to call that an improvement. you top kick ? i wouldn't mind. i always wanted to go to zegema beach. fire in the hole ! looks like you've got a little bug problem, ma'am. watch out ! uni high tigers, sir. don't you remember ? i was captain of the team. i'm gonna need a squad leader. what about it, diz ? what kind of stinkin' bug is that ? what's that ? he was a teacher , kind of a know it all. always had this little smile. must fill your bottle up real quick when your wife and kids get smeared. all dead except one, sir. yes, sir. nah, i don't do that anymore. i said no. want me to pull rank ? yes, sir. hey, diz. may i have the honor ? yes, sir ! they ran out of names a long time ago in this part of the galaxy. bugs! yes, sir. diz, see what you can do. looks like a bug was in his brain, sir. diz, what's with the uplink ? what's going on, diz ? we don't have a minute ! all bands. shut up, sir ! we need pick up now ! landing zone is extremely hostile. come down on this transmission ! then i hope you have a crazy pilot ! keep the line open, dizzy ! boat coming down, sir ! not enough, i guess. yes, sir ! cover us, ace ! hit your jets, sir ! we're not leaving you here, sir ! give'em hell, sir ! hang on, diz. don't die on me. no, you're gonna be alright, diz ! get on the com and tell fleet to glass that rock! this would be mine, sir. acting sergeant john rico. i've assumed command on this mission. i'm not, but alot of my soldiers are. glass the planet ! we gotta choke on the mud and the blood and fleet can't be bothered to spit. that was just a mix up. what happened to your eye ? i like it. it's kinda. you. dizzy bought the farm. she was my good friend, and friens are the best luck anyone gets. but in war, we must go on without our friends. we take with us their memory, and we are left to wonder if there is meaning in their death. let me tell you what it is: dizzy bough the farm so we can keep on fighting. officer on deck ! dizzy wouldn't want our tears. she'd want us to remember her. with a vengeance. so go out and kill a bug for dizzy. kill as many as you can. you are her revenge, and every bug you kill honors her death. womb to tomb, cap trooper ! how are you, carl ? bugs laid a trap, didn't they ? didn't they tell you, colonel ? that's what cap troopres are good for. the roughnecks are always ready, sir. i'll take it. until i get killed or you find someone better. see you on the bounce ! i only have two rules. rule one, everyone fights. rule two, no one quits. if you don't do your job, i'll kill you myself. do you get me ? who're all these kids ? we're the old men, ace. we'll take this high ground. lookouts there and therte and up there. if the bugs come upstairs in this neighbor-hood, we'll be the first to know. down there on the flats, eh ? listen up, roughnecks ! our primary objective is to assist our friends from the fleet. alright, cut it out. we will deploy from skimmers in teams of six. if the bugs open up a battery, we put it out of business. any questions ? would'ya mind moving your boat ? you're standing on my h.q., lieutenant ! you heard the sky marshall. move it all down - saddle up, boys, that's our trash ! what's your problem now, lieutenant ? any survivors ? affirmative ! carmen, this is roughneck base camp. what is your present location ? we've gotta go get her ! we're outa here. lieutenant, get your men into the skimmers. this real estate's about to go buggy. form a perimeter ! make yourself useful, fly boy. prepare to repel bugs ! ace, get on the com. tell fleet we need retrieval. sugar, salvage some armor and suit up lieutenant barcalow. looks like they're gonna hose us down. alright. listen up, roughnecks. we're gonna head west down through bug city, pick up any rodger young survivors we run across, and join a company. get me ? i'm gonna save carmen. yeah, that's right. move out. mr. barcalow, save power, don't waste it on workers. ace, tell aardvark we're on our way. sugar, close the tunnel! you know what this is? sure you do. you're a big fat smart bug, aren't you ? i'll take you with me. take my hand ! roughnecks. now ! weapon ! are you hurt ? can you walk ? let's get some armor on her, and the we'll get outa this stinkin bug hole ! yeah, if i live through this, they'll probably hang me. now com'on, let's move out ! up. we gotta be near a company by now. fall back ! how bad are you, pal ? alright, we're gonna carry you. don't be a hero. go.go go go go! sir, i'd like to turn myself in. dereliction of duty by an officer during wartime. yes, sir.