sorry! sir, sorry. sir. yeow ! off you go down washout lane, bye-bye ! we all have one thing in common. we were all stupid enough to sign up for mobile infanterie. what's your excuse, breckinridge ? so the grow 'em big and dumb on the farm planet, eh ? djana'd ? c'mon, keep it going. katrina ! your turn, rico ! me, i got plans to be writer, and a writer's got a right to be nosey. flores, you know rico from buenos aires. what's his story ? you are now prisoners of the blue team. tell us your plans or die ! i'm going in ! let's go ! look at him. do you think anyone has ever been so pleased with himself ? i just hope it's not over before we get in it ! that guy's been in it. the eyes. he's got the 1000 meters stare. get any what on you ? well, here's to it ! we're gonna fightn, and we're gonna win ! here they come! i can see the beacon!