join the mobile infantery and save the world ! service guarantees citizen-ship. would you like to know more ? the bugs send another meteor our way ! but this time we are ready ! planetary defenses are better than ever ! would you like to know more ? klendathu, source of the bug meteor attacks, orbits a twin star system whose brutal gravitational forces produce an unlimited supply of meteorites. to ensure the safety of our solar system, klendathu must be eliminated ! would you like to know more ? we break net now and take you live to klendathu where the invasion has begun ! from all over the known galaxy, prospectice citizens work together to make a better tomorrow ! would you like to know more ? a murderer was captured and tried today. sentence: death. tonight at six, all net, all channels. would you like to know more ? if you think you are psychic, maybe you are. harness your unique abilities and take advantage of the many federal benefits available for psychic citizens. would you like to know more ? disregarding federal warnings, mormon extremists established port joe smith, a settlement of 300 on tango urilla, a system just inside the arachnid quarantine zone. too late they realized tha tango urilla had already been chosen by other colonists -- arachnids ! the council asks future colonists to obey all official federal warnings. would you like to know more ? early estimates. millions dead, a city in ruins. buenos aires has been wiped of the earth. nothing lives in what was once called the latin paradise. the federal court met moments ago and voted unanimously for mobilization to destroy the arachnid threat. the meteor derived from here, near klendathu, in the arachnid's home system. out of the ashes of buenos aires comes first sorrow, then anger ! would you like to know more ? cap troopers establish a foothold on dantana, a planet system at the outer edge of the arachnid quarantine zone. casualties are high, but casualties won't stop the mobile infantery ! would you like to know more ? everyone's doing their share. are you ? the war effort needs your effort at work, at home, in your community. would you like to know more ? sky marshall dienes announces plans for an offensive against klendathu, source of the bug meteor that destroyed buenos aires. we now break net and take you live to fleet battle station ticonderoga deep inside the arachnid quarantine zone. everyday federal scientists are looking for new ways to kill bugs and you can help. crsisis for humankind ! fleet official admit they underestimated the arachnid's defensive capability. would you like to know more ? accepting responsibility for klendathu, sky marshall dienes resigns. his successor, sky marshall tahat meru, outlines her new strategy. to explain the intelligent military actions of the arachnids, federal scientists postulate the existence of a leadership caste. brain bugs ! families oof those who have died or become incapacitated by federal service are entitled to benefits ! if you see the name of a loved one, please do not call. a federation official will call you. would you like to know more ?