the end of another school year, and for me no doubt another failure. rico, pay attention ! here in history and moral philosophy we've explored the decline of democracy when social scientists brought the world to the brink of chaos, and how the veterans took control and imposed a stability that has lasted for generations since. you know these facts but have i taught you anything of value ? you. why are only citizens allowed to vote ? no. something given has no value ! haven't i taught you dimwits anything ? i guess they ought to revoke my teaching credential. when you vote, you're exercising political authority. you're using force. and force, my friends, is violence, the supreme authority from which all other authority derives. in my classroom, you bet. whether it's exerted by ten or ten billion, political authority is violence by degree. the people we call citizens have earned the right to wield it. really ? i wonder what the city fathers of hiroshima would have to say about that. you. correct. naked force has settled more issues in history than any other factor. the contrary opinion 'violence never solves anything' is wishful thinking at its worst. people who forget that always pay. they pay with their lives and their freedom. you. tell me the moral difference, if any, between the citizen and the civilian ? the exact words of the text. but do you understand it ? do you believe it ? of course you don't. i doubt if any of you here would recognize 'civic virtue' if it bit you in the ass. well, that's it. have a nice life. what is it, rico ? well, it's not really my job to please. hope you learned something. good for you. go find out. figuring things out for yourself is the only freedom anyone really has. use that freedom. make your own choice, rico. this is for you new people. i only have two rules. rule one, everyone fights. rule two, no one quits. if you don't do your job, i'll kill you myself. do you get me ? get rid of the jewelry. i hate it. welcome to the roughnecks. alright. there's a new sky marshall and a new plan. we're gonna clean out the systems outlying klendathu one planet at a time. tomorrow we hit tango urilla. after fleet glasses the planet, m.i. mops up. spread out, teams of three. when you locate a bug hole, secure it, gas it, and close it. sugar, in for pick up ! gas that hole and close it ! where'd you learn to do that, soldier ? i'm not interested in nostalgia, rico, i need a corporal. you're it until you're dead or i find someone better. don't worry, birdie, your next arm comes with a factory guarantee ! saddle up, roughnecks. that's our trash ! we must be right over the colony. let's get some air support, eh ? corporal, i want pulse cannons there and there ! rifle teams, spread out along the ridge ! sugar, bring up that flame thrower ! they'd rather spend our lives than risk their ships. who's got the nuke ? heat it up. roughnecks, you may fire at will. fire ! blast shields down ! hit the dirt ! kill the bitch. tango urilla is now bug free. means the roughnecks have killed a helluva lotta bugs! i expect the best, but i give the best. habve some fun. that's an order ! yopu asked me some advice once, rico. want some now ? never pass up a good thing, eh ? i thought 4th brigade cleaned out p. sounds more like some idiot at military intelligence command wants to get me and my cap troopers killed. my job is to protect the lives of my soldiers so they can kill bugs, major, and if you're walking me into a trap- yes, sir. corporal, the roughnecks are moving out for planet p immediately. get yourself squared away and report to gillespie for logistics. who's that with you ? report in ten minutes. keep trying, sergeant. let's go ! on the bounce ! gillespie, put in call for retrieval. we're off this rock. gillespie, do you read me ? throw a rifle ! i expext any one here to do the same for me. rico, watkins, flores, levy prepare for rear guard action. the rest of you make for 4th brigade. fire! fall back 100 meters! and fire! 4th brigade hq ! on the bounce ! jeez, command really humped the bunk on this one. rico, you're acting sergeant now. my last sergeant lost the com pack. put together a search team and find the radio shack. we need retrieval. what's that look like to you, rico ? gas that hole and seal it. pick up the general ! general owen, sir ? the distress call. the bugs wanted us to rescue you! to all roughnecks, this is rasczak. prepare for attack. repeat. we are going to be attacked! warm it all up ! everything you got ! levy, collect the big guns from the towers. watkins, put general owen with the wounded. rico, where's my communications ? ah, the hell with him. fall back. form a circle ! if no living bug comes over that wall, we cannot be harmed. rico, flores, watkins, levy ! we control the sky until retrieval ! make every shot count ! sergeant, secure the boat ! board the wounded ! move to retrieval on my command ! first group, now! alright, flores ! levy ! rico! aaaaaaaaaaaa ! i can't my legs are gone. get on the boat. rico, tell'em to glass this goddam planet. i've never seen so many bugs upstairs at the same time. this is my farm. get on the boat, now ! that's an order, sergeant. c'mon you sons of bitches ! there's no bug alive can kill a real maaaaaaa !