time's running out. i'm getting better. so what are you doing later ? i don't know. it's my last night as acivilian. i ship out for tereshkova tomorrow. i'm all ears. you can never be sure. yeah, we know each other from the game. no hard feeling, eh, chum ? always. i'm the guy who's gonna teach you to fly this crate. only when i give you an order. maybe not. i heard about this crazy girl coming through the academy, solid math, a little wild on the stick, but a natural. when it turned out it was you, i made sure we'd run into each other. this isn't simulation anymore. take'er out easy, cadet. twenty-five by five, roll seven. and don't exceed port speed. they revoke our flight status. yes, ma'am. star drive in three. two. one. oh, i don't know. depends on who you are spending it with. profile's wrong. there. three weeks aboard a starship and you know it all, huh ? you know i was talking to captain, deladier, and she said. well, whad'ya know. she got a command. and she thinks we oughta team up officially and crew for her. she thinks we're good together. i have a feeling about us. we're good together, way ahead of the curve in every department. i seem to be able to anticipate your needs. you know what i want. me, too. day and night-cycle. captain, we are in the path of an unidentified object moving at near light speed. there ! gravity field. it's big ! sweet jesus! trajectory indicates it came out of the arachnid quarantine zone. everything coposetic, lieutenant ? best in the fleet ! forget it, carmen. the mobile infantery does a thankless, dirty job, so they naturally tend to be short-tempered, thoughtless and rude. you heard me. wanna make something out of it, private ? let's disregaed rank. everybody hear that ? rank is not an issue here. it's alright. what's he gonna do ? drop is 35% complete, ma'am. that's it, we're empty ma'am ! give me hand, willya ? i was thinking. maybe we should get married, carmen. if we're gonna be a team, why not be a real team ? so ? fleet encourages marriages among flight officers. you'd probably get a promotion out of it. i'm not kidding. marriage is - hey, bugs don't take prisoners. carmen? i'm sorry, carmen. you're upset, that's alright. on whose authority, corporal ? where are you going ? that girl who died on the way up . his girl ? how do you feel about him now ? i do. this is a fleet-driven operation, son, and the fleet thinks my boat will be safer on the high ground. you can have everything else, eh ? rodger young, prepare to receice outgoing fire! i'll take the first group. the rodger young just burned up. you know as well as i do she's probably already dead. hey, just calm down, i'm giving the orders here- aaaaaaaaaaa ! thanks. what do you think you're doing ? that would mean a comlete disregard for the mission objective. they hang you for that, rico. let's go. aaaaaaaaaaaaa ! not a problem. it wasn't luck. rico ignored the mission objective to rescue you. been better, buddy. nah, i figureyou folks oughta get upstairs before it's too late. gimmee the nuke. this is my farm. now c'mon, give me what you got and get out of here. just giving you something to remember me by, baby.