the problem with you is that none of you are good enough the way you are. i am your senior drill instructor, career sergeant zim. do you think i'm funny ? do i make you laugh ? do you think i'm a comedian ? the first and last words out of your stinking holes will be "sir". do you get me ? see the armory ? run around it ! run, i said. bronski, keep pace ! you are now all brothers and sisters in the same family, my family, the mobile infantery. i will be your mother. i will be your father. if you do not please me i will throw you out of my family because i hate all slackers and negative hackers. do you get me ? anytime you think i'm being to tough, anytime you think i'm being unfair. quit ! grab your gear and take a stroll down "washout lane". get me ? i wonder if there's a handful of guts in the whole bunch. who thinks they've got what it takes to knock me down ? you alright, breckinridge ? medic ! good. who's next ? medic ! some of you may not make it. why is that weapon on the ground ? you might think i am unfair. is that all you got ? you hit like kitten, smith ! this is a punch. you will not like me. but if you survive you will thank me because you will be born again hard. you will be a new person. you will be a cap trooper. and then, maybe, you'll be good enough. to serve in my family. put your hand on the post, private. the enemy cannot push a button if you disable his hand. medic ! i see you specifically requested transfer from fort cronkite to this training group. it is the best. but what makes you think you're good enough ? c'mon, move it, you apes ! the object of this exercise is to capture your enemy's flag before your enemy captures yours. these weapons have been modified for this exercise. if your enemy hits you, your suit will fail. you will be unable to move. you will be as good as dead. kid's got some moves. smith, go ! mcintire, go ! flores, go ! rico, i'm making you sqaud leader ! don't stand there dumb. go ! with the marauder's visual capabilities, all you have to do is look at something to hit it, so you will exercise extreme care on my firing line. do you get me ? the live firing combat range is the closest simulation of actual combat we can provide. if you do not hit your target, it will shoot you. the marauder power suit will prevent serious injury, but if you are hit, you will be non-operational and your team score will suffer accordingly. rico, has each member of your squad completed a weapons safety check ? perfect score for this exercise is 300. b company came through last week with 285. i expect you to do better. rico, you are relieved of squad command. levy, mcintire you will escort private rico to the c.o.'s office. alright, let's go, rico. bite on this. it helps. i know. i'm serious, sir. i'll go anywhere. i want combat. yes, sir, i get you. is that your signature, rico ? doesn't look like it to me. get outa here, private.