this is your movie, this is small town america. a jacket for five dollars. i can buy this town for fifty bucks. yeah, but they never made a movie here. why am i here? they're holding our old mill for ransom. we don't have to build it. no, we can't ever go back to new hampshire. na, we wanna rent the whole hotel. waterford, vermont. i will. they run on water. what? 14-year old girls. and uberto tells me he can't take this shot, unless they let him take out the firehouse window. there's a trade embargo against cuba. walt, it's marty on the coast. it's marty on the coast. when did it burn down? but, does it have to be an old mill? the mill burnt down. wonderful scr. fifteen hands. this horse is booked. find walt's lucky pillow. it's what you give to your secretary instead of a raise. we start shooting in three days. mitch cohn. he's on the ph. wat. rewrites that bob barrenger requested. the "dead horse scene," the. it'll hurt the box-office. marty, it's howie gold on the coast. he needs your confirmation on a request for money?