hello, i'm.
bob barrenger, i'm with the mo.
glad to meet you, scottie. i'm just here to do a job, just like the rest of these.
hey, tommy. heard your wife's having a baby.
you know who the father is?
that could be.
how do you spell that, son? with an i.e.? chuck? what're your hobbies?
baseball! that's the national sport. gimme that!
because he wouldn't say that: look: "sister, i've just come from a fire. there's some things i want to think out" now, come one, come on.  "leave me alone." a gesture? alright?
page. three. now: "it's a nice evening." i'm not gonna say that"it's a nice"
do you mind if we don't go through the usual bullshit about how i loved it?
i mean, okay, fine, but it's a motion picture.
the people came to see a motion picture. hold on.
tell it with.
tell it with pictures. what i'm saying.
you look at: girl comes in the room, an apron, a brown bag, what is she? she's a?
she's a waitress.
what i.
you don't need, "hi, i've just come from the restaurant."
alright: let's page five, the fucking horse dies. you know, she could be in the movie, she could, she's got a good face, she could be the doctor's. uh, why does it have to be his, uh, wife? it could be his.
no, you're absolutely.
everybody needs a hobby. okay, look page.
i saw desert sun, i wanna tell you.
how'd you like working with richard hill?
isn't he.
i'm looking at page five: "it's"
yeah. come in.
i'm just.
but, that's the way of the world, huh? everybody's gotta eat. way of the world.
well, i'm pretty impolite. would you like some?
well, i can offer you something to drink?
what do you drink?
how old are you?
then i hope you wouldn't tell anyone i gave you this.
nice town that you've got here.
wouldn't that be dangerous?
get the.
we gotta get her out of here.
are you alright?
you got to get out of here.
oh g-d, oh g-d, oh g-d. do you have a cig.
hello, jerry. i'm fine. i'll be ready wednes. i'm here to make a movie, bob. now don't you worry your, hey, pal, when have i ever let you down bef. okay, babe, you, too.
well, yeah, i'm fine, i reached over to, the girl had to be home, i don't know, it's a schoolnight, something.
everybody needs a hob.
uh, look.
no, i just. just joe, just joe.
just him and me.
she wasn't in the.
i was alone in the car. i was driving.
i've always seen that.
that makes a lot of sense, claire, that makes a lot of. list. listen, cause the audience isn't coming to see your breasts. they are coming to see you act. what are you doin' this evening?
you mind?
i was just talking to that girl in the other room.
i never touched her. my mother's gr.
i swear that that woman in my room.
how could she turn on me like that? i thought she liked me.
i'm ready!
what'll i do for fun?
i know my lines.
i just don't know what order they come in.
nothing happened.
mornin', sister.
sister, i've just come from a fire.
only second chance i know, chance t'make the same mistake twice.