who's that? i'm glad you asked. i'll tell you what was wrong with it. and what was wrong with it was it was behind the times. now: you want to bring business into this town? you have to plan for a waterford that does not exist. not at the moment, no. morning. they are, yes. i'm sure they are. i'm sure that people are upset. thank you, jack, and. jack. what i am saying, is, we have to look out for our own. now: they want to close down main street. annie: you stick to the amateur theatricals. this isn't quite the same thing, you see? this is big business, in which, our life s'no less a commodity than. than our. waal, that's what i'm saying. i want to tell you something, ann: you stay soft all your life, people despise you; it awakens avarice in them, they take advantage of you, and that's human nature. we on for tomorrow night? drama group? and thursdays. but after play practice, i'm yours. go you huskies. and i might have something important to tell you. that's right. waal, there you are, and have i got some news for you. guess who is this close to a nomination to state senate. which is this close to one stop from congress! nice meeting you. they were, let me tell you, they were a bit coy at first, i told them: look: the people are tired, they're going to vote their pocketbook, yes, but. what, what what are you doing here? look at this. do you know what they're offering? look at this. they treat us like we're their backyard. do you know what they're offering for three days to close down main street? ten thousand dollars. i beg your pardon? sure, but. ten thousand dollars. do you know what they. this movie is budgeted at fifty million dol. they're coming up here, offer us a meal. cal. i want a city council meeting. main street. fuck the traffic light. i'm talking about three percent of the adjusted gross of a major motion picture. what the hell are you so down about? how about that. no. no, but we're planning to. yes. where have you been? we had a date. where have you been? where have you been, we had a date for three. where have you been? well, i know, because they told me you were with that writer from the, you see, this is what i mean, the whole town has been warped by the, by the, by the presence of the movie company, they holler, and we jump, you have a date, they call, you're doing business nine o'clock at night. it isn't. oh. what were you doing, then, that's so important that you shouldn't call your fian. wai. it's so serious you couldn't call to tell me you'd be. what? what did you say? let me review here: you're. what are you. you've. it's all over between us? who is this person that you've found? no. don't tell me that. why, you whore! i have to talk to you. i want you to hear this, pal. forget the overages, forget ten thousand dollars, for three days to two weeks. you know what it would cost for them to build this set? two million dollars! now: now: the waterford merchant's association, of who i am council. huh. well, the waterford merchant's association demands, through me as their council, five percent of the profits of the movie, as figured by and. geared to the most favorable definition of profits of either a) the producer. why, you little sheeny. ten dollars apiece for outdated textbooks you or i could buy retail for a dollar ninety-five. bear with me, now -- because what're we getting for our money? see the cat and dog? see what i'm saying? nice to take this opportunity to mount an investigation of. you see what i'm saying, take this opportunity to mount an investigation of the price of school textbooks. bear with me now: both the cost, and the content of. look here. because what're we getting for our money? "see the nice dog. see the nice cat?" she didn't even finish knitting me the sweater. kiss my ass. who got their heads cut? who got their heads cut? you said three. we're going to s. i've got the wrong room. arrest him. arrest him. conspiracy in statutory rape. this young woman. she was in the car with bob barrenger last night. and she was injured coming home from a love tryst, so. tell him to get dressed. hey, you've gotta eat a peck of dirt. half a buck i'd close it down. it's per. you know. it's perfidy, you got your barrenger, molesting little girls. half a buck i'd put him in jail. i had a witness, i would. you know, the rape, to. even to the accident. what? who's white? he saw the accident? he saw the girl in the car. he's under arrest. well, you guess what. the mayor sent me. i have your mr. barrenger with a history of. moral turp. you're on my home court, friend. i have the mayor and the town behind me, and forget making your movie: i may own the studio when i get through with you: i got a civil suit, i got rape, i got collusion. and i've got a witness! your mr. white saw the crime. he didn't have to tell. oh, you're his attorney, too? okay. we'll see about that at the inquest. and to exterminate this vermin, yes, i use that term, who have abused, who have desecrated, yes, the license granted to them by a gracious nation. who spew filth and degradation. thank you. yes, thank you. foreign, and un-american perversions of the democratic process. by those we have entrusted with our dreams. i'd prefer it if you didn't speak to me. you know, there's nothing you could say, that could possibly make a difference, so, why don't you just save your breath. what's in the case? and what was it you wanted to say? i have learned a lesson. and the lesson is this. that everybody needs a second chance. you, me, and these fine, film people here. you know, they have a high profile, but that doesn't mean they aren't deserving of our trust, and of our respect. you know, i think there is a lesson here, and the lesson is this: it is a lesson of tolerance. and, as we look at this industry, at this clean, american industry, and as i begin my campaign for congress.