what're they talking about? waal, no, th'traffic light's doug's thing. that's his thing, fine. but we got to talk about the pothole. a public office is a public trust. this is why this is america. question is: who owns the street. fellow gets a calf, it's forty below, calf gets out, he hears that animal, he's going to, get up, pull on his jeans. what's a tuna b.l.t.? y'wanna talk about main street, whyn't cha fix the pothole? communist country, he hears that calf it's two a.m., four feet of snow, what does he say? "that's the state's calf out there" he rolls over. "wake me at ten." that's the difference, communism and you know. that's what they said about warner brothers, 1985, but if you look at their price-per-share. i want you home by nine. with you inna moment. i'm a little short-handed. annie, you want something to eat? annie? anybody here seen carla? anybody seen my daughter? doug, she says that she wasn't in the c. i knew she wasn't in the car.