i, i'm sor. . i lost my typewriter. i lost my typewriter? hi. i was in new hampshire. i was at the old location. you know, they told me there were gonna be some jokes. kid the new guy. can't. can't you build the old mill? you built an old mill in new hampshire. uh -- why did we have to leave new hampshire? i can't write it. i lost my typewriter. i can only write on a manual. well, you know, you know, that's a lie, i, i. that's a real fault, i. what's an associate producer credit? did they find. did they find my typewriter. i need my typewriter. did they find my? i, excuse me, the sign says you'll be back at two. it's quarter to three. you're doing a play. small town. i suppose. you have to make your own fun. i need a i want to rent this one. i have one, but they lost it. the people in new hampshire. well, it had sentimental value. other one has history, too. i wrote my play on it. you haven't heard of it. "anguish." writing the movie. yes. it's about the quest for purity. i grew up on your mov. "it's a nice evening" so young, so unlined, so full of promise. so innocent. i quit. i quit the movie. actually, i'm not sure if i quit. i think that i got fired. i'm such a liar. i never could tell the truth. i just got kicked off my first movie. that's good. that's really good. you have a gift for words. you like my play. why? could you tell me when's the next train? it's about a man who gets a second chance. it's. they leave it out all night? ever wonder why the dalmation's the symbol of the firehouse? but why the dalmation? that's true. you grow up here? nice town. that. that he prayed for a second chance. but. do you see? that, he says, there are no second chances. that he's been presented what he prayed for. and: he's ruined it. but, but but but. that: in an act of. of mercy. off. that. he sees that. of course, of course that's what i'm saying. as the old mill goes around, he sees. that it has been vouchsafed to him. and you're the only one who'll ever hear that speech. just you. and likewise. goodbye. no, no. of course, that's exactly what it represents. the, the, the, the sanctity of everyday things. for example, he's just come back from a fire and he. um. that's a fine house. you look at that, and you know, there's nice people that live there. really. with the porch swing and everything. i don't mean to impose, but. do you think we might. that's what the swing is there fore. that its purpose, isn't it. such a pleasant sound. cause, cause, it's. it's the simple things that. that. sa pleasure. well, i guess i'll. get down to the station. it was lovely meeting. what happened in 1973? it's about a man who gets a second chance. i want to make a good film. and maybe it will be a better movie without the old mill, i. um, no. i don't drink. hi. they decided, i decided to, to. you love what? i. i decided to give it another ch. what? in fact, in fact, in fact, i'm not sure if i'm giving them a second chance, or they're giving it to me. that's the truth. the truth's best, don't you think? how can you say that? i can? but how do i. how do i do a film called "the old mill" when i don't have an old mill? what i need to say. about conflict. the, the, the symbol of the fire. how? no, i don't. what are you doing tonight? yes. oh. oh. well. that's very important. yeah, no, can i. if you'd excuse me, i've just got to. i thought you had play practice. well, then, it don't look good for the huskies. what happened? uh huh. what? my glasses fell apart. i lost the. you got a paperclip? you like kids? me, too. you have a paperclip? fix my glasses. gonna be good as new. ow. hi! what's the. i really don't think you should be talking this way to a lady. she's absolutely r. i can't. i can write it. i can't type it. i hurt my fingers. this is joe white. in six ten, they're sending up a typist? okay, i thank you. it's here. i, actually, yes. why? you liked the script, huh? look. look, look, i like you very much. but not that way. look, look there's someone else. great. who is it? would you go in. would you put on your cl. just leave it outside oh, g-d. i don't drink. one moment. you have to hide. that's my. will you help me out? hi. thank you. "to the love of my life, love, doug." oh. why? start? this isn't a good time. later on. you, um, you, um, you going out with your fiance? she came in here, wait, she. i was giving her a massage. wait. wait! she came in here. she. . with respect. she took off her clothes, and she got in bed, i told her i could not -- we don't know each other, you see. i told her thank you very much, but it was inconvenient because, uh, because. because i'd met someone else. you believe that? but it's absurd. do you truly believe the electoral process is absurd? you used to go out with him, you broke up with him? why? yes. cuppa coffee, and a. i can't get it to come out right. it used to be the old mill. they meet on main street. her horse has just died. he's coming from the fire. it's good to see you, too. please. ah, ah, ah. ah, ah, ah. that's what she says, that's what she says. he says, "sister, i've come from a fire" but she, but she, she says it was not the fire which hurt you. it. she realizes -- it was not the fire which hurt him. that the true hurt was her. was her. her unbridled sexuality. that he. has been wounded by her heat. by her infidelities. because, because, because if it's about purity, it's. it's. and then, then, you don't need the nude scene. that's. that's exactly what it's about. take. take any two people. take you and me. she doesn't show her tits!!! she doesn't show her tits. the breasts symbolize motherhood, the audience. the movie's about purity. so we don't show her breasts. we show them to him. she keeps her back to the camera. they know what her tits look like. i'm gonna nail it. are you al? hi. where you going? going home, yeah. i told them what you said. i told them what you said about the script. how else can you talk? no. you, i told them, you can't betray with the picture what you're saying with the words. and, i don't know, the movies, i don't know. they should be socially uplifting, why does she have to show her br. what is this? is it. i told them what you said about the script. i'd love to. gosh, you look nice. what would you do with it, the printshop. yes, it's a lovely idea. it does? you'd do the newspaper right here. you know what else a man can do? pelting down out there. well. 's'pose i should be getting home. look. i've got a date. good morning. yeah, you? we could live up here, live up in the country. and we could get up every morning. and come to the printshop. you know why? to print the newspaper. and i'd come to write. to write. to write. right here in the office. well, i could get a rolltop desk. well ain't you amazing. that's why we filmfolk get along so well with you farmers. both up with the chickens. i saw. no. i didn't say anything to them. i don't know. i don't. i? i saw it. i was there. i was walking down the street. i remember, i was writing a. what am i gonna do? i can't do that. if i tell them, they'll, if i tell them, they'll try bob for rape, they'll. it'll ruin his career. but it'll stop the movie. they'll. they'll blackball me. i. i think that's right. what'm i gonna do? you want me to lie. would you please hold all calls to my room? i, uh. i'm leaving. i perjured myself. i told a lie, and i ruined my life. that's what i did. i don't suppose you could help me with that, could you? turn back the clock, or something? give me back my, give me back my purity, i don't suppose you could just wave your magic wand and do that, could you? but what is truth? eh? ain't that the thing? what is true? aren't you supposed to set an example for people? i just swore my life away, back in that. i ruined my life. isn't that funny, that you can actually do it in one moment just like they say. i ruined my life back in that courthouse. courthouse back in town. what? well, where do they hold court? the courthouse burnt down? i'm going to tell the truth. i'm out. the girl was in the car. it's no you, it's. i have to tell the truth. the girl was in the car. so be it. for what cause? i've come to give myself up.