you cool the broad out? that's thoughtful. ziz good, you try this? what'd you do, build this? we're flying over pigs, we're flying over sheep. they're coming fed ex. my undies, cause, you can't get this picture off on time i'm gonna wet myself. 55 days and i take home the camera. i got an idea for a product placement. stop. how are you getting on with these fine people? i want to tell you something, wally, he's a pussycat. my thing is to see everybody does what they said they would and i have to do that. now: what is this you want eight hundred thousand dollars to do what you're being paid to, you already signed you'd do? what is that? who is her agent? get him on the phone. get him on the. i want you to hear this. well, i'm going to discuss 'em between you, babe, cause it's your idea, and you think you're going to sign to do a, then hold us up in the wilds sweetheart, you are in error. mitch, th'marty rossen, i'm here in. i'm somewhere in the, i'm on location eh: this. well i'm going to solve it here, or this bimbo you sent me's going to be doing a fuckin' donkey act in akron, i'm talking about restraint of trade, breach of. it's very simple! her tits! her tits! how, that she signed in her contract, we hired her 'cause of ten years at the actors studio? the way she played medea? her last two pictures laid there on the screen like my first wife. cool it babe, you started this. you tell me: you tell me now, i've got to shoot on wednesday and i will not pay your blood money and p.s., pal, i put the word out on the street and betty boop can look for work in squigglevision. siddown! would you excuse me, please. well, you call him, and call me back, but this is it, pal. you fuck with me, and i'm going to tear out your heart and piss on your lungs through the hole in your chest. and the best to marion. where have you been? he says they're looking for you all day, you're on salary, he needs pages, what are you, you been 'haying?' now: later for that, walt, let's get this: we need the "pages" for the new "old mill". alright? we need a new title, we need a. whatever it is. go do it. how you doing on the permit? that's why i want it. type it up and get it back to me in. you can't write it? eight-hundred grand to show her tits. i don't got the money. i got a company. give us a million dollars, put their product in the film. why, that's right fine. mmm. what is that? it's lovely. my oh my. she wants eight-hundred thousand dollars to show her tits. we don't have the money. if you do the product placement. "bazoomer dot com." actually, the art department had some ideas on. gimme howie gold. howie? thizz. i neee. i need eight-hundred grand. i. i don't care where it comes from. it comes out of our end. i. i need. just get me the money. i just get me the goddamn money. look: the breasts symbolize motherhood. we got the permit. he just saved us eight-hundred thousand bucks. we got to do something nice for him. gimme a pencil. get him a bottle of. get him some maple syrup. stick this card on it, and put it in his room. yeah. hold on, i wanna add to that. he's fine. it's a. he's. you wanna talk to? okay, look, you, what is she, 19, twenty. oh christ. look: okay. okay. look: look you're driving, countryside, so on, you picked her up, she was hitch. no, wait a, wait a, wait a. we can't put her in the car, she gets it in her head to sue, or rape, or some goddamn, she wasn't in. there's no witnesses. then she wasn't in the car. say it. nobody knows it but us. alright? it says here. are we together on this? because it's sink or swim here, pals. you guys had better leave us a. yes? well. what seems to be the? of course he. i'm an attorney, if there's anything you have to say to. you have to what? well, officer, don't worry ab. thank you. i think he's moved. yeah? what is the? conspiracy in statutory rape? okay. of whom? who is it raped you? well, what's the beef? you were in the car with bob? then what is the? now what is this, you sonofabitch! because if you haven't heard about the laws of malicious prosecution, you're about to. don't flinch while i'm talking to you, you two bit speedtrap fraud: there's an old saying, two scariest things in the world, a black man with a knife and a jew with a lawyer. now, i am a lawyer, and i am the jew, and you continue one moment with this slanderous shit here in this public place, i'm going to have your ass over my mantleplace. the kid was not in the car, she says that she wasn't in the car, no one says she wasn't in the car, no one says that she was in the car, you have no corpus and you have no case, and it's a mistake. it's all over. i'm sorry that we've inconvenienced you. we know that you weren't. upset and impressionable. get me the mayor. overcome by the events around her, the presence of a high-powered. and a fantasy object. wally? mmm. here it is: statutory r. blah, blah, blah, blah. "statutory". "unsupported testimony by the" hold on, bobby. you've got nothing and you know it. by g-d, you know it. harassment. you need a. even if this was true, you need a witness. you need someone puts her in the car. and you've got nothing. now we all have. yes, give her that part in the film. yes, we'd love to have you. now: we all have more important things to do, isn't that right? isn't that right? i'm sorry that you all went to this. this has been just an unfortunate. is he cool or angry? and i need a drink. whyn't you learn your lines? you better make sure you got your facts straight, pal, cause, you step off the line and i'm going to sue you personally for. oh, good, yes. good morning. where are you taking mr. barrenger? what are you doing with mr. barrenger? oh, good. i'm his lawyer. and you must be perry mason. guess what, you're about one-half step from a world of hurt. how diverting. the mayor's gonna have your ass. can i watch? a history of nothing, he was acquitted. you've got nothing, you don't have a witness. he told you that!? i want to talk to him. would you ex. later for you, pal. bobby, don't say anything. yeah, hi, pal. i need to talk to you. how do they know that, you told them? what did you say to them? how do you know you saw it? well, then, you didn't see it, right? you didn't see it. you were there. at. at 10:35? what glasses were you wearing? were you wearing your reading glasses? you told me you were writing. don't you wear your reading glasses to write? i've got to go to the jail. you tell me what to do, i'll do it. howie. what are you doing here? hi. eight-hundred thousand dollars in cash. gut yuntif.