carla, would you tell them that i'm. and we're glad to have you here. aren't these illegal? well, you know, walt, i just wanted to say that anything i could do. not at all. whatever you need. the city council, of course, has to pass on your. on your "permit," but that is less than a formality. i am the city council. we meet friday, and i. and, my wife wanted to, wanted me to ask you, we'd like to welcome you, we'd, she'd like to have you to dinner at our home. i don't mean to be. well, i won't take more of your time. we'll see you tuesday, then. not the lazyboy. we don't have thirteen at table. waal, then, invite someone else, then. waal, then, you know, you do whatever would make you happy. sher. this is your party, and whatever. little woman has gone crazy about our dinner party. city council? what's the trouble? doug, the traffic light. and don't you worry about that permit. hey, chunky. well, we're glad to have you here. my wife, sherry, sher, your brother's here. we're having a party, matofact, tuesday night, for walt and bob barrenger. havin' 'em over, home-cooked meal, if you'd. well, i'd be awfully. sherry, this. dear, this is mr. rossen, he is the producer. doug, this is mr. he's the producer of the movie. doug. well, these things happen. purpose of my call, my wife wanted to know what brand of cigarettes mr. barrenger smokes, so she could lay some out tonight. we got the list of his dietary requirements. well, you must, where did they. where. i. i signed the permit. i don't know how i can. sherry, sherry. what? get me the state police.