you hear that? drive a man to drink. took me near half an-hour, get across the street yesterday. y'wanna fix something, you should fix the pothole. yessir, they should be trussed up, thrown off some high building. whoever spent ten, f'teen thousand dollars, a new traffic light, you could grow old, paint your house before it lets you cross the street, and then, not fix the pothole. the damn thing. he's going to get that calf. she coulda done better than him. zat what it takes? i always wondered what it took. "assembly of death" did 95 million dollars the first weekend. you think so? where's carla? annie, sorry i ain't been to a meetin' of the drama club. oh, good. what happened to his finger? mmm. how was it hurt? he's been playin' old farmer nigh on sixty years. bet you did. ain't no second chances in life. only second chance we git, z'ta make the same mistake twice.