i'd be delighted to help. he really isn't that abrupt -- he -- goodnight, george. you see? i think he secretly likes you. would you like a little sherry? to your good luck. my mine -- the argus. then i'll answer it first. captain iles has asked me to marry him. but you can't understand why captain iles should be involved in the gold business. it isn't just mine. you must realize there's a lot of gold from all over the territory stored at the post warehouse. perhaps as much as half a million. in fact, i have about fifty thousand in my safe now. i don't know. that's the worst part of it. not knowing. don't get into trouble -- i know, but -- good luck. ben. maybe if you'd let him explain. he might have a good reason. why, surely. what is it? that is a big favor. isn't that very risky? i'm just wondering if we shouldn't speak to captain iles first. who else will know of it? i'll arrange it. good evening, george. why don't you sit down. you look tired. i suppose you've heard the news. the holdup and poor jim goddard. why don't you smoke? i'm afraid you're going to be angry with me. the gold haven tried to run was from the argus, darling now don't excite yourself. the man you call a scoundrel may be dead at this moment. i only did it for your sake. after all, mr. haven represents the u.s. government. i told you, george, i was only trying to help you. you know perfectly well that he's my lawyer. it's my fault george. mark left me something. you're not going to open it? george -- you're getting to be a hard man to deal with. drop it. turn around with your hands up. all right -- put it in the wagon. you want to put it in the wagon? now was there something you wanted to say? i know that's a lie. but not nearly enough. fifty thousand dollars? well, you see, i don't. if you're still in town in twenty- four hours, i promise what i do may get you hanged. i guess i owe you something too. i wish there was something i could say or do. i'll always remember what a fool i made of myself. are you going too?