i know one thing. he was born on a horse and he didn't just fall off this one. go and take a look. hey, you! you see a rider comin' up? you sure? where did you put it before? take it to the cook shack. any luck? that's bad. let's go and look at this guy again. you -- you sure you didn't see no rider? when did you get this job? what for? who hired you? the guy that had the fight? friend of yours? this haven. don't get hot. forget it. i got a load for you to take back when you're done here. how soon? all right -- grab it quick. work on this stuff. we risk him, that's all. he don't look any worse than the rest of it looks right now. come on, get this junk out. who said it was? i just want that gold outa here the easiest and quickest way. you see this box? it goes to prince. know who prince is? he runs things for charlie. know who charlie is? one thing. that's a gear box you're hauling back and it's got to be repaired. and you tell charlie that if it ain't repaired we might have to shut down quick. you got that? all right -- then get out of here! all set. plenty.