no. why? why do you care? i think he's wondering if he couldn't do more good here. you ought to learn not to pick 'em so easy, like you do your cousins. did you find out what he wants? she means either. see you later, charlie. does this haven move me out? is that the plan? but i always come up empty. i keep forgetting that. pardon me. i don't like john haven or anything about him. what do you know about him? a man walks in out of nowhere -- he knew something. so he can fight. you like that part, don't you? about what? shut up! but it doesn't bother you? what you want is money. not as long as you always have something on us. what does he get? have you lost your mind! you don't realize how important it is when a piece of machinery breaks down. it could close the entire sawmill. you roll nice dice and you bet them jamb up, but some day you'll slip. and when you do, i'll be around to catch you. very friendly with everybody -- isn't he? wells fargo detectives, and now the army. how far can he go? are we celebrating something? no -- just like that? did you have one too? no, it isn't. and one of the last. mick might have killed you, but you fought him with your fists. the sheriff had a gun but you took it away from him. ben had a gun last night but it didn't seem to scare you. now this genteol petticoat waves a pistol and you run for your life. or i make it sound like what it is: a lie! no. you've only got one thing left that's any good here - and that's some gold. got enough men at the sawmill? all right. go back out there and get them into the uniforms. we'll hit the post just before midnight. i don't know what we're waiting for. this should be good. no, he didn't. we don't think they're going to be any good. what do you want? something left to wait for? there's seventy men ready for any kind of play. i say we can still swing it -- and get out of town. you wanted to give haven time. well, he took it. by that i presume you intend to remain. i asked you once if haven moved me out. i think he's moved us both out -- together. this is the way i wanted it. and when i've finished you will too. as though haven had never been here.