you forgot to wash my purple shirt. i told you a hundred times it was purple day at school today. you lost ben?! no. i told you. i like apple butter not butter butter. never mind. i'll just eat my lunch. i'm gonna beep daddy at work. you swore. you owe me a quarter. did you remember my egg carton? i told you i needed my egg carton for seed planting today. i don't care. i never do that, you always lie! i hate when you say that. i hate overly ripe bananas -- they make me want to throw up. i hate the crayon burnt sienna and people who spit when they walk. i didn't say that. why would i say that? i don't want that to happen. why would i want that to happen? mass hysteria. i'm not upset. why would i be upset? like who? it just slipped out. what happens when he loves rachel more than us? never say never you always say that. i'll bet daddy's mad at me now. i'm gonna call him. why do you make that face when you talk to me? and that voice you use. you think i'm deaf or something? don't touch me! i'm allergic to you! i have to work on my video project! don't follow me! i can put myself to bed. i don't have to listen to you! you're not my mother. this is my daddy's house -- and this is my room so get out! ben! what's wrong? ice cold water. there you have it. now ask yourself . what would you do? just where i wanna be all saturd. but we're hungry -- and i have to pick up my costume for the pageant! it starts at seven! i don't know. i feel like i'm gonna throw up. what if he's kidnapped? don't touch me! you bring bad luck! he's gone forever and i'm gonna miss the pageant. "hello! i am maze. but you can call me corn. hello! i am" "hello! i am. um. i'm. i'm. oh. oh forget it! i hate her. i really hate her. don't take my picture! i don't ever want to remember this! guinevere, godiva, i sense enemy sol. i'll ride ahead. nelson, protect the queen. now could she just. forget me! i mean, that's something you would do! mommy! are you worried about your friend? with the emergency? you can try. sex. of course. why does rachel scream? during sex. i live. in the same country. oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh. because it feels really incredibly good. i like talking about it. at least, to you. why are you going to a french restaurant? what are you gonna talk about? then why are you putting on mascara? but you only wore mascara when you and daddy went on romantic dates. or blush. you look pale. no they're not. you owe me a quarter. no i'm not. i don't care. why should i care? i mean nobody asked me when you got divorced. nobody asked me if i wanted a new mother. nobody even asked me if i like her. if you guys don't care about our family staying together, why sh. like how? i'll be there for you. mom, look what rache got me! it's not to wear around, or any- thing, i'm way too young. it's just for play. wow. who's that for? oh, mommy. are you kidding? it is so much better than the one rachel showed me! i told you i was big enough! is my mom the greatest, or what? i mean, she knows all the music, and pop stars, and clothes and stuff. she's like still a kid, herself. she knows every neat junk food place. actually. she's kind of cool, when you get to know her. and don't tell her i told you. so what's up? who's marrying who this time? it's what grammy lil died from. shut up. she's going to die. you lied to us when you nevertold us! you lied. if you lied then, maybe you're lying now. i can never belive you again! where's rache? it's thursday, we get to be with rache! she's dying and rache is your mother now! you are so stupid! you're worse than she is! why don't you just die, too? i'm sorry you're sick. then turn off the cartoon! i said. he wouldn't know. i saw her in the shower! she is only the princess of cool. mommy is the queen! for i love. lo-ove you soooo. promise i'll never. let you go. no, but i thought till thursday. a debate. man's inhumanity to woman. he's pro women. i'm con. ms. flannery is twisted. great. every time i'm on the lunch yard, and he's with twelve of his retarded dorkface little adoring out-crowd henchmen. they all yell 'there goes the virgin queen' or the 'ice princess', or some really clever cut like that. like it hurts my feelings. not with my mouth open. i call him a fartface or a pervert, or something equally lame. this is a joke, right? you think rache would do that? it's just she's younger. maybe she remembers how to do this. this'll work, huh? maybe twenty. mom? what's wrong? never say never. i'll remember. always, always. i killed my math quiz, a-minus. she told me to keep ignoring him! so i did it! you know what that creep and his frogfaced footmen are calling me now? in front of the whole world? frosty, the snow bitch!! here's weak. mom said she was gonna talk to the teacher and brad's parents!! can you believe the humiliation??? why don't you say hello? annabelle pick up the phone. that doesn't bother me. you think this is funny? you're just a stepmother. so stop bossing, cos nobody's listening! suits me fine! hi, mom. how are you feeling? you cannot believe what he said, it was the worst instant of my total life on earth!! and bring my knees up, real hard, yeh? it's not your fault!! i did what she said. i used my words, i told him what i felt, and they. no, his mother's always on time. and mom says anger never, never solves anything. it makes every- thing worse. not use my words, please! uh. he thinks his nose is too big. but it's not. no. but they stand out, a little. like this. uh. what is it? in high school. but rache. well, with rachel driving. that's how we'll go. it workeditworkeditworked! omigod, you can't believe the look on his face!!! there's worse things. sure. you wanted me to blame her. instead of you. how come you're telling me now? cos she loves you. now do i know when? if i miss it, daddy? you clue me in. here it is? i don't want to say goodbye. i'm not. until he's old enough to read. yes. i'll miss you so much. always, always. always.