hooker hustles out across the street and into the alley. we follow him across the street and into the alley, where he signals one of the bodyguards to check the place out. kid twist pushes a button on his window sill, and a buzzer goes off inside the store. the previously inert figures there spring to life. to a corner newsstand, where he stops to buy a morning paper. as he peruses it, he's approached by two large, clean-cut men in white skimmers. across the street in a doorway is the silhouette of a man. it's cole. he's pretending not to look at the diner, but hooker isn't fooled. hooker goes to the front door and steps outside. cole looks up at the sound of the door. hooker makes a big show of spotting him, and runs back into the diner. cole, his cover blown, draws his gun and races across the street in pursuit. arriving just in time to see -- we pick up hooker barreling down the street with cole a hundred yards or so behind. hooker makes a sharp cut into an alley, and we see immediately that it's a hopeless dead end. inexplicably, he makes no attempt to run back out. we follow lonnegan across the street and into the store. the bodyguards remain outside. snyder drags him through the crowd and out onto the street where an f.b.i. car is waiting. his bodyguards have long since fled at the sight of the f.b.i. men.