'with plenty of money and you-oo- oo, oh baby, what i wouldn't do-oo- oo' come into a little dough. you wanna get outa here tonight? i'll spend fifty on ya. how ya doin', jimmy. naw, just a little hard times, that's all. it's all over now. three grand on the black. i feel lucky tonight. three grand on the black, jimmy. spin it again. spin it anyway, jimmy. don't worry, pal. i knew it was my night. hey wait a minute. aw, the hell with ya. howdy, louise. i'll never be as good as that mark, alva. you goin' to church now? which way did he do, eirie? the bastard. he can blow his nose all the way. i had some appointments. all of it. i checked the place out. there weren't no dicks in there. what's eatin' you? i've blown money before. you think my play is bad? what? what are you talkin' about? we just took off the biggest score we've ever had. we can do anything we want now. hey look. you think i'm gonna run out on ya or somethin'? just cause we hit it big. luther, i owe you everything. if you hadn't taught me con, i wouldn't know nothin'. but you played the big con. you said it was nothin'. a game for flakes and mama's boys. what the hell you gonna do with yourself? you'll take a cut of what i make, won't ya? if that's the way you want it. how do you like that coleman, huh? after three years. we were partners. if it weren't for luther i'd still be hustlin' pinball down at gianelli's. i don't need anything more than i got. you ain't gonna have nothin' if you don't lay off them games of chance. there's a depression on ya know. there's always a depression on. i like griftin'. i don't look any good in clothes and i don't know how to drive. what else ya got to sell, eirie? hi there, snyder. things a little slow down at the bunco department tonight, eh? somebody lose the dominoes? aw, find yourself a shoplifter to roll. you got the wrong guy, pal. i been home with the flu all day. you can stake out my toilet if you want. you're crazy. i'm not stupid enough to play for rackets money. i'll square it with the fixer. my end was only one. all right. i did. that stuff i gave him was counterfeit. they'll pinch him the first place he tries to spend it. aw christ, it doesn't make no difference now. if snyder knows about it so does everybody else. he never gets anything first. damn, there's no answer at luther's. c'mon luther, get up. you gotta get up, luther. goddamn you, luther, will you get up? i'm not waitin' for you, luther. i'm not waitin' anymore. get up, you son of a bitch. goddamn you, luther, goddamn. excuse me, sir. treasury dept. i'd like to ask you a few questions. we don't doubt that, but there's a counterfeiting operation passing bad money in the station. have you made any purchases here today? then i'm afraid we'll have to impound your money until we're sure that it's all good. can i see your wallet and your ticket, please? it'll only take 20 minutes or so. you can pick it up at the window down the hall. we'll get 'em! give us a chance. i'm not the only agent in here, ya know. we go around advertising ourselves, how many counterfeiters do you think we'd catch, huh? you think i'm wearin' this rag here 'cause i like it? christ, everybody thinks life's a holiday or somethin' when you got a badge. i been here since three this morning, charlie, and i never knew there was so much ugliness in people. you try to help 'em and they spit on you. i shoulda let ya go and gotten yourself arrested for passin' false notes. all right, i'll give ya a break. down that hall there, there's an unmarked door on the left. go on in there and wait at the window. i'll take this. . in the back and run it through right away. we'll have you outta there in a couple minutes. think nothin' of it. excuse me, i'm looking for a guy named henry gondorff. you know him? luther coleman sent me. yeh. the great henry gondorff. you sober? yeh, luther said you could teach me something. i already know how to drink. he had you down as a big-timer. what happened? you mean you blew it. he didn't tell me you was a fuck- up, either. you played the big con since then. i picked something up on the way. i don't know. haven't seen anybody. gondorff, you gonna teach me the big con or not? i wanna play for lonnegan. yeh, he croaked luther. what else do i gotta know. aw right, he runs the numbers outta the south side. i'll take him anyway. 'cause i don't know enough about killin' to kill him. we'll get by without 'em. i never played for winos. you're sacred of 'em, aren't ya? then you'll do it? you sure it'll be one of these two? he's not as tough as he'd like to think. she got him clean. he hasn't missed it. he's waitin' for you in the card room. if we ever get to it. how'd ya do? my name's carver. mr. shaw sent me. he cheats. yeh, he knows that. he hired a dame to take it from ya. you were set up, lonnegan. shaw's been planning to beat your game for months. he was just waiting for you to cheat him so he could clip ya. so could shaw. cause i'm tired of bein' his nigger. i want you to help me break him. naw, he picked up some jane in the bar. can't see him till morning anyway. i need somebody respectable. but not completely legit. what i'm gonna do isn't very legal. all you gotta do is place a bet for me at shaw's place. i'll supply all the money and the information. if you help me out, i'll pay ya back the money you owe shaw, myself. maybe a couple million. 660 marshall street. tomorrow at 12:30, if you're interested. yeh, it was easy. what do ya mean? no, not a thing. i gave him the breakdown just like ya told me to. he threatened to kill me. then he drove me home. he tried to put himself away as legit, so i went right into the pitch. naw, he just sat there and listened. i don't know if he bought it or not. you think he'll show? no. i was afraid you weren't gonna come. we haven't got much time. sometime after 1:00 a guy's gonna call here and give you the name of a horse. all you do is take this two grand across the street to shaw's place and bet it on that pony. there's nothin' to it, but don't take too much time. we only have 3 or 4 minutes after you get the call. this is just a test. the big one comes later. be careful with that though, it's all i got. i am after this race. i gotta get back before shaw misses me. good luck. give 'em a little time. you're doin' great, eirie. he loves ya. well, what did i tell ya? lucky, hell. i could do it every day. 'cause it's better to do it all at once. we're puttin' down 400 grand next week. at 5-1 we make 2 million. twenty per cent of that is yours if ya stick with us. you stayin' in or not? it's foolproof. we got a partner downtown runs the central office of the western union. race results from all over the country come in there and go right across his desk on their way to the bookies. all he does in hold them up a couple minutes until he can call us and get a bet down on the winner. then he releases the results to the bookies and we clean up on a race that's already been run. it can't miss, unless the western union dicks get onto it. not yet, but. hey, there's only a grand here. what is this? that's my money. you tryin' to muscle me? i gotta talk to me partner first. we can't afford to expose our game too much. no. four o'clock tomorrow. pick me up at dewey lyle's. twist? i told him the tale. he wants to see ya. tomorrow, after 4:00. stay inside, i'll come in and get ya. and be hard on him for a while; he's talking money. i thought i'd lost him. nothin'. i told ya everything there is. it was too noisy. all we need is a couple days, henry. a couple days and we'll get lonnegan down and stomp on 'em. a couple days; that's all i'm askin'. i can stay clear that long. yeh, i guess i shoulda had the meat loaf. where's june today? where you goin'? had a little fight with a raggle down on 13th. she got me with her ring. we'll go to the side door. les, i got mr. lonnegan with me. he wants to see you a second. i thought it might be good for him to see the setup. he's right, les. and what do we know about your guy. he says a week, but who knows if it's a month? lonnegan here's a banker. he can get that dough with no questions asked. what happened? oh, jesus. how am i gonna do that? meat loaf, apple pie and a cup of coffee. what time you get off work here? you doin' anything tonight? you got a back door to this place? look, i don't have time to fuck around. there's somebody out there i don't need to see. you got a fire escape or anything? all right, do me a favor. go into the bathroom, open the window and wait for me there. just do what i tell ya and everything'll be jake. he'd like to kill me. no. don't think i know him. lt. snyder doesn't know shit. you got nothin' on me. no. i'll make parole. will you wait until the chump is played? i mean completely played. until he's beat and the score is taken. you come in before we beat him and i'll kill him. you'll have a tough time explaining that, won't ya. just as long as i get to finish the play. just a little nervous, that's all. how many guys you conned in your life, henry? then why you doin' it? henry. yeh. i appreciate your stickin' your neck out. i wouldn't have asked ya if it weren't for luther. yeh, this time anyway. i, ah. thought you might wanna come out for a while. maybe have a drink or somethin'. i don't mean nothin' by it. i just don't know many regular girls, that's all. if i expected somethin', i wouldn't be still standin' out here in the hall. you know me. i'm just like you. it's two in the morning and i don't know nobody. she coulda killed me last night. who are you? how do i know you're tellin' the truth. you were right, henry. it's not enough. but it's close. naw, i'd just blow it.